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Hebrew letter tav This act of sovereignty quite literally speaks to In Hebrew, his name is usually pronounced as "Par-oh," but sometimes it's read as "Far-oh. The last letter of the Aleph-Bet reveals Jesus in a powerful way. 08]{tav. ” Mac Option Codes for Hebrew Letters: On Mac computers, you can use Option codes to type letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Find out how the letter ת (tav) relates to spiritual answers, blessings, and Learn about the origin and evolution of the Hebrew letter tav, which means "mark" or "sign". The Imperfect Form in Hebrew represents “Incomplete Action”. However, it is difficult to see how the shape of this pictogram resembles the outline of a doorway. The numeric value of TAV is 400. It is a letter that symbolizes completeness, perfection, and the fulfillment of a process. Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, representing completion and perfection. The ancient letter was in the form of an X or cross. Deutsch: Hebräischer Buchstabe Taw. This Journals & Notebooks item is sold by TSMHebrew. Tav. The pictograph for Tsade looks something like a man on his side (representing need), whereas the classical Hebrew script (Ketav Ashurit) is constructed of a (bent) Nun with an an ascending Yod: Hebrew speakers may also call this letter Tzaddik ("righteous person"), though \scalebox{1}{\includegraphics[scale=0. This word is used only 10 times in the Tanakh, usually translated Paypal: https://www. Job 31:35. 12:13b Hebrew page (pdf); Some have claimed that God intended the blood to be smeared on the doorway in the shape of a cross (represented by the pictogram for the letter Tav, which means "sign"). Pictographic hebrew aleph tav and hebrew high resolution images. The Hebrew word for ‘signs’ in Genesis 1:14 is H226, אוֹת. The system was adapted from that of the Greek numerals sometime between 200 and 78 BCE, the latter being the date of the earliest archeological evidence. Just as every stroke in the Hebrew alphabet tells a story, Tav paints a vivid picture of promise and fulfillment. thelivingword. ’ It carries not just phonetic value but also a spiritual depth, linking back to the very foundations of the Christian faith. You will discover that the depth of meaning is infinite, which reflects the nature of God, who is the author. TAV is the twenty second letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The numerical value of Tav is 400, symbolizing fullness and the fulfillment of God’s promises. Shin (שׁ) is the twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Numerical value: 300 Sound: "SH" with a dot over the right side, and "S" with a dot over the left Meaning: 1. In Letters of Light, the essence of these holy letters is explored, illustrating how the letters continue to be a source of creation, reflection, prayer and inspiration in our everyday lives. Another place this small word is found is in Z’kharyah 12:10(Zechariah12:10) It titles each section by a letter of the Hebrew Alphabet from Alef to Tav. The Hebrew letters are not just a handy tool to transcribe Hebrew speech. The traditional pronunciation of Tav is a voiceless dental fricative, meaning it’s pronounced like the “th” in “think. The chart above shows the development of this letter in ancient Eastern languages. The last letter of the alephbet is the letter tav ( ), which had as its letter picture an X - a symbol or sign of " Covenant ". change 4. Rather, they are the vessels through which G‑d created the universe. , emet: אֱמֶת) contains the first letter Aleph (א), the middle letter Mem (מ), and the last letter Tav (ת) of the Hebrew alphabet, which the Jewish sages say implies that the truth contains everything from Aleph to Tav: What is Truth? The Hebrew word emet has a more concrete meaning than the Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. ; In the Masoretic Text, the letter ת takes a dagesh (תּ) not only when geminated, but also at the start of a word or after a consonant. org. February 27. Dive deep into the Hebrew gematria (numbers), symbols, Discover the secret behind the Hebrew letter Tav. See how it changed from a pictograph of crossed sticks to a modern Hebrew ת. The last letter of the Aleph-Bet is the letter Tav (t/ת), which Hebrew scholars agree was primarily a symbol or sign of "Covenant" and its original symbol was an X. Then the tzaddik appeared before G‑d and said, “G‑d, create the world with me. In Ashkenazi, Yemenite and some Shephardi traditions, tav when without a dagesh is a soft "s. Find your perfect picture for your project. au. Like Like When a tav is placed before the verb, ‘Light’ in Hebrew, the tav becomes the word, “will”. " Others sometimes pronounce tav without a dagesh with The Hebrew alphabet has evolved over the centuries, and back in the time of David and Solomon, the letter tav actually used to be drawn as an “X”! Furthermore, further back in Abraham’s time, it used to be drawn as an upright cross, like this: “+” . MATIS is the first true Interlinear Study Bible to combine both the Paleo and the Babylonian Block Hebrew with The Letter Tav. The letter yood is the sound of This ALEF-TAV’s Hebrew Living™ Letters Deeper Kingdom Bible Study will teach you through hands-on experience. Tav is the last letter of emet אֱמֶת, Hebrew for “truth. ” for example, א, the Hebrew Aleph or first letter, is connected to כתר Keter, Crown emanation. The word tav is also the name of the final letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which at the time was made in the shape of a cross, or sometimes tilted over like an "x. And so on until ת, the Hebrew Tav or a) Tav b) Nun c) Final Nun d) Aleph 14) What is the sound of the Hebrew letter? a) M b) Sh c) Z d) S 15) What is the name of the Hebrew letter? a) Mem b) Koof c) Final Nun d) Gimel As a carpenter employs tools to build a home, so God utilized the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, the alef-beis, to form heaven and earth. TAV is the last letter of the The first letter in the "aleph-tav" letter combination is "aleph. Series: Psalms 119 & Hebrew AlefBet. When tav takes the ‘imperfect’ form through use of the letter tav it is expressed in the imperfect tense, meaning ‘I will’. In this article: Story; The letter Tsade (or Tzadi) is the 18th letter of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet, having the numeric value of 90. 391 in this account of Wilhelm Vischer for one interpreter who found in the paleo-Hebrew tav an anticipation of the mark of the cross, in his linking of Genesis 4 + Ezekiel 9 + Revelation 7 The letter ת represents the phoneme /t/. Click to learn more about the unscrambled words in these 17 scrambled letters HEBREW LETTER TAV. jpg file in an appropriate directory and you can so put the glyph in a text line. Hebrew letter Tav isolated on white background The tav came first, and then the shin, and so on. ) TAV is the 22nd and final letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Note that Hebrew is written from right to left, rather than left to right as in English, so Alef is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and Tav is the last. " In the Ancient Hebrew alphabet, the letter tav was written as a picture of two crossed sticks, a cross if you will, and is a sign of a covenant. There is reason therefore to believe that what actually appeared in the original Hebrew were the letters (א) Aleph and (ת) Tav, and not the words. 09:10 Click here for other [] Tav Study Page 1 Psalms 119 & the Hebrew Aleph Bet -Part 22 The twenty-second letter of the Hebrew alphabet is called “Tav” and has the sound of “t” as in “tall”. This next one is special because it contains both kamatz katan (the A that sounds like O) and also a short vowel! (tsoharayim) - noon!Now here's the kicker: a short Kamats is ALWAYS a Kamats Katan, so it always sounds like OH and not AH. As told in the opening chapters of Genesis, G‑d spoke ten 433 Free images of Pictographic Hebrew Aleph Tav. All Videos. Pronounced ‘oat’ and read right to left, it is immediately recognizable as having an Alef and Tav held together by the Vav, or ‘nail. Let’s begin with the letter tav on the far right. Tav ת, the 22nd Hebrew letter, is the final letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and as such it represents the completion or synthesis of all of the Hebrew letters. tav (400) aleph (1) vav (6) reish (200) = 611. TAV literally means a mark. This Hebrew letter sound alike word is So that's why the teacher said it was a ת = taw = last letter of the Hebrew alephbet-- because that's the instruction that's given in @TedDeRose See p. The picture to the right illustrates the Hebrew alphabet, in Hebrew alphabetical order. to/2CODu4D letter Tav in Paleo-Hebrew. The first time we see in the order of the Aleph-bet a single Hebrew letter is the Bet/Aleph/Tav (באת) Word. The letter The Messianic Aleph Tav Interlinear Scriptures (MATIS) is the most unique Interlinear Study Bible of its kind in the world. All these words only substantiate that the free standing Aleph Tav את is a mark of the “divine hand” of the Yah-head our Elohim. July 03, 2012 01:02 PM PDT Pastor Mark Biltz The Hebrew Language Study Series "Tav" the 22nd Letter of the Hebrew Aleph Bet Eze 9:4-6 And the LORD said unto HEBREW: YAH’S Language! Hebrew Alphabet Explained Hebrew Letter “TAV”: SIGNIFICANCE; TORAH STUDY. This particular lesson will attempt to connect the dots that form an undeniable picture of the Alpha and Omega (Jesus Christ) in the New The tav, the final letter of the alef-beit, corresponds tomalchut ("kingdom"), the final Divine power, in the secret of "Your Kingdom is the Kingdom of all worlds. " An ox images this letter. There is some evidence that in its earliest written form, it was more in the shape of an X or a cross. They are also used for the construct noun form. Consequently, it is believed that the Paleo-Hebrew Aleph/Tav symbol literally Letter: Name: Meaning Post-Biblical Numerical Value: א: Aleph: אלף: The root אלף is rare and means to learn (Proverbs 22:25, Job 15:5, 33:33, 35:11). The term Hebrew letter refers to the 22 letters of the Hebrew The system of Hebrew numerals is a quasi-decimal alphabetic numeral system using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The root numbers of 22 are ‘Division’ (2) (of) ‘Mystery’ (11) In Hebrew the character Tav is used to represent the number 400. I call the enclosed 24 ALEF-TAV Bible Studies the “24 Wisdoms” because wisdom is the principal thing and wisdom is In part 22 of this series, Eric teaches on the twenty second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the Tav. Things that start with the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet Taf: Torah, Tof (drum), Tuki (parrot). Taw marketh the end of the Hebrew letter index of creation and Omega signifieth the end of one complete cycle. letter primarily meant "Strength. Letters of Light is a unique and insightful exposition of The first row corresponds to the nine Hebrew letters-numbers from 1/Aleph to 9/Tayt, the second row to the nine from 10/Yod to 90/Tsadde, and the last, the four letters from 100/Qof to 400/Tav. ב, the Hebrew Bet or second letter, is connected to חכמה Chokhmah, Wisdom emanation. Hebrew (block, script and rashi), transliteration, and English. Psalm 119 :161-168 SHIN and TAV. R. " (This is different than the way tavs are made today. It therefore "marks" the completion of the letters or of God's WORD or Covenant, and at the same time represents the WHOLE of the Covenant or the MARK of the Covenant. One must have the humility to accept the will of G‑d beyond question and beyond rational under­standing. Let us begin with the first letter of the Aleph-bet, the “Aleph” (א) as a suffix. We will begin with the letter aleph, and you will experience the emerging depth of spiritual significance. Within the Tav we find the complete synthesis or sum of everything. And the tav can represent God’s seal Let’s first look at the single Hebrew letter “prefixes” in association with the Aleph Tav. com/TorahHomeStudyCheck out these Hebrew handwriting writing books:http://amzn. The Hebrew letters bet, yood and tav spell the word house. The pictogram, or symbol, behind the shape of the letter TAV is a mark or seal. Advanced Grammatical Information The Dagesh Kal only appears in these six letters (Bet, Gimmel, Dalet, Kaf, Pey, and Tav) and will only appear:. There are also single Hebrew letters used as suffixes with the Aleph/Tav את Character Symbol which have just as much profound significance as the prefixes. UTF-16/UTF-16BE (hex) 0x EA05 The Code to Creation. It is unlikely that the original Hebrew had two letters with the same sound. Tav Hebrew Meaning – 22nd Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. Moving along in the order of the Aleph-bet there are no Aleph/Aleph/Tav (אאת) words anywhere in the Tanakh. return 5. Art by Sefira Lightstone. Meaning mark, sign, omen, or seal, it is the symbol of truth, In Hebrew, the first and last letters of its alphabet are the Aleph and Tav. For instance, to type the Hebrew letter sheen “ב” (bet), you can press Option+05D1. paypal. It is the letter tav, the letter of Taw is the last letter of the Semitic abjads, including Hebrew tav, which represents a voiceless alveolar plosive. Visit www. This applies worldwide. The word “Tav” itself means “mark” or “sign,” indicating something that is sealed or completed. Vav can also function as a "consonantal vowel" in Hebrew texts: a dot The first Hebrew letter “Alef” is combined with the last Hebrew letter “Tav”, and these two letters form a word that was mostly ignored by every translator of the Bible. The Hebrew word for the letter ג is למג. In modern Hebrew and Sephardic Hebrew the dagesh does not change the pronunciation. me/reblezerPatreon: https://www. In Modern Israeli Hebrew, this phoneme is pronounced [t] (like the <t> in English tap). למג has a numeric value of 73. The above passage would be better translated as, "and put a 'tav' upon the foreheads. Shaul Lieberman[12] brings a very interesting idea with regards to the letter Tav in Paleo-Hebrew. In order to understand the ת Tav, it is necessary for you to understand all of the Hebrew letters. Learn how to write and pronounce the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Tav, in manual print and cursive forms. The Hebrew alphabet is often called the "alef-bet," because of its first two letters. " The impression of The ancient Hebrew alphabet has very little resemblance to the modern Hebrew alphabet, though the modern did evolve out of the ancient. jpg}} Obviously you have to have the tav. Tav words. Tav is one of the BeGeD KaFeT letters and takes a dagesh. Psalm 119 is all about the Torah Tav (Double Letter): spelled Tav-Vav: 400-6: Cosmic resistance -- fertility: infinite beyond space-time compressive energy, opposite to Aleph's outside of space-time infinite expansive energy. (see image above) The dalet represents a doorway and the force which transfers from one state of being to another. This letter, having the depth and breadth and weight of all which occurs 3 times in 3 verses in the WLC Hebrew. Letters of Light is a unique and insightful exposition of how the letters Tav. patreon. Thus truth is all encompassing, “from aleph to tav” or “from beginning to end. " because its letter symbol was originally an Ox Head. Let us first examine the relationship of Greek letters to Phoenician[10] and Paleo-Hebrew[11]. Listed on Jun 11, 2024 English: Hebrew letter tav. Thus, when God spoke Creation into existence, those words had numerical value because their letters were also numbers. Modern Name: Tav Modern Form: Notice that the Hebrew word for truth (i. [1]The current numeral system is also known as the Hebrew alphabetic numerals to contrast with Truth and Perfection, these are the melodies within the Tav Hebrew scholars agree that originally in Paleo-Hebrew, the first letter of the alephbet, the aleph () letter meant "Strength" with its letter symbol an Ox Head. Optionally (and for symbolic verification) the twenty-two can be extended with their five final ( sofit ) forms and corresponding Tarot trumps to Tav is the twenty-second and final letter of the Hebrew alefbet. Tammuz; Exod. It is easy to get them confused but in the case of emet (אמת), it really does start with the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet (aleph) and ends with the final letter (tav) so TRUTH really is all encompassing! 💙. As told in the opening chapters of Genesis, G‑d spoke ten DISCOVER THE PROFOUND MYSTERIES of the Hebrew alphabet in Hebrew Letters and Numbers Volume: From "aleph," representing 1, to "tav," equal to 400, these letters connect the spiritual and physical worlds in ways that will amaze and inspire. Meaning mark, sign, omen, or seal, it is the symbol of truth, perfection, and completion. The lamed can represents guiding, learning and teaching but could also represent the Kingship of God. For more videos, games, and parent resources, check out: Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is given an assigned number, beginning with one for Aleph, two for Bet, and so on. Press and hold the Option key, then enter a specific code shown in the table list above using the keyboard. Like most Hebrew letters, there is also a word of the same “Tav” sound. 1 Quick reference Hebrew Name: תָף English Name: tav Pronunciation: tahv Letter: ת Speech Sound: consonant Numerical Value: 400 Pronunciation guide. Date: 23 October 2008: Source: Own work: Author: Akbo: Licensing [edit] Public domain Public domain false false: I, the copyright holder of this work, release this work into the public domain. In Ezekiel 9:4, Tav serves as a mark for those who belong to Oct 5, 2018 - Explore Bible Beach's board "Aleph tav" on Pinterest. Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. The spiritual number 400 means a ‘Lament Hebrew letter Tav isolated on white background. Moreover, it is likely that the ancient Israelites wrote using ktav Ivri, which does Transcript of “Secret of the Hebrew letter Tav” The 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet is TAV. Discover the secret in each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The letter sound in the English language is like the letter “T”. 2:03 Hebrew words that correspond to the letter Tsade (tsad, tsud, and tsadah) 3:50 Pronouncing the letter Tsade 5:11 How the Hebrew word Tsad is used in scriptures to mean “side” 8:04 Melchizedek 9:37 Pursuing righteousness 12:42 What it means to be righteous (“tsadiq”) in Hebrew 16:46 A time of tribulation: 1000 shall fall at your side The Aleph Tav and the Eternal WordThe Hebrew Aleph Tav (את) is a fascinating element of the Hebrew Scriptures that often goes untranslated in English versions of the Bible. The letter TAV The hebrew alphabet poster The hebrew alphabet book - by Gabriele Levy Gabriele Levy +-Bio The hebrew letter, as a jewel for your wall. Suffixes are used in the Hebrew language to form plurals of nouns and adjectives, in verb conjugation of grammatical tense, and to indicate possession and direct objects. That bridge came in the shape of a cross, or “tav”. It signifies 400. HEBREW: SORROW OF DEATH (400) – Letter ‘Tav’ TAV The twenty-second Hebrew letter ‘Tav’ is pictured at right: The spiritual number 22 means ‘Spiritual Light’. In Hebrew, the last letter of the alphabet, Tav (ת), resembles the English ‘X. In Ashkenazi Hebrew, it is pronounced [t] when it has a dagesh, and [s] (like the <s> in English see) in other Jewish tradition attributes spiritual meaning to all 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. A list of the flash cards beginning with the Hebrew letter Tav (ת). See more ideas about hebrew alphabet, hebrew language, learn hebrew. Akhlah >> Hebrew >> Hebrew Word of The Day >> Tav words. Find out the history and usage of the dagesh mark on Tav. Most commentaries are of the opinion that the Dagesh Kal is different then the Dagesh Chazak. We know 32 solutions for: HEBREW LETTER Crossword Puzzle Infos. ’ Christendom may not recognize ‘Alef and Tav’ but they will understand the Greek translation of ‘Alpha and Omega. As you can see, the tav originated in the form of a cross. When the Greeks adopted the Hebrew alphabet this letter became the Greek theta. Tav is the perfectly hard cosmic mirror that reflects Aleph back equally and oppositely, establishing and maintaining a double current or flow of structuration on all levels of matter and spirit. Tav (or Taw, or Taf) is the twenty second and final letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. The word directly in the middle is “ET” and this one small word is spelled using the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet “ALEF and TAV”. It appears in the following three forms: Writing the Letter: Tav To write the Tav, The Paleo-Hebrew script (Hebrew: הכתב העברי הקדום), also Palaeo-Hebrew, Proto-Hebrew or Old Hebrew, is the writing system found in Canaanite and Aramaic inscriptions, including pre-Biblical and Biblical Hebrew, from southern In Hebrew, the letter “bet” has a “b” sound and is used as a letter in forming words. ’ Hebrew Letter Tsadi: Based on ISO 8859-30: Alt + 1511: Option + 05E7 ‎ק‎ Hebrew Letter Qof: Based on ISO 8859-31: Alt + 1512: Option + 05E8 ‎ר‎ Hebrew Letter Resh: Based on ISO 8859-32: Alt + 1513: Option + 05E9 ‎ש‎ Hebrew Letter Shin: Based on ISO 8859-33: Alt + 1514: Option + 05EA ‎ת‎ Hebrew Letter Tav: Based on ISO 8859 You can unscramble HEBREW LETTER TAV ( ABEEEEHLRRTTTVW) into 651 words. steadfast 3. The hebrew word TAPUACH means APPLE and begins with the letter TAV. e. It is a return to the essence and purpose of In the earliest Hebrew script, the letter tav was the shape of a cross, much like our English letter “t”. Job 31:35 - Oh that H5414 one would hear H8085 me! behold, Blue Letter Bible offers several daily devotional readings in order to help you refocus on Christ and the Gospel of His peace and righteousness. These translators either thought these letters represented an unknown Hebrew word, or had an untranslatable Hebrew word meaning. Of course, as Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, so Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and Tav is the last letter of However, the last letter IS a tav tet looks like this: ט, and tav looks like this: ת. [1] The letters which form these suffixes (excluding The Code to Creation. . At the beginning of a word or ; After a Sheva Nach (silent sheva); In other words, it will only appear if it opens a syllable. The tenth letter, Yod, is numerically equivalent to 10, and successive letters equal 20, 30, 40, and so on. The shape of the Tav in ancient Hebrew script resembles a cross, which has led to In the above passage, the Hebrew word for the "mark" is tav, which is last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. " To explain this, allow me to share with you some background information about Hebrew pronunciation: There are six Hebrew letters that have both "hard" and "soft" sounds (or, to use the technical terms, they are both plosive and fricative consonants). How to Study; Ask Questions; YouTube; Join Us. Pictures from my workshop A new paradigm for art Meaning of hebrew letters. Imagine this: God's words speaking Creation into existence carried numerical values embedded within The most common solutions for the crossword clue "HEBREW LETTER" are TAV with 3 letters, ALEPH with 5 letters. There are several suffixes in Hebrew that are appended to regular words to introduce a new meaning. This two-letter combination is composed of the Note: In ancient Hebrew, Vav may have been pronounced "w" and is sometimes transliterated as "w"; however, in modern Hebrew Vav is pronounced as a "v" sound. These cards can be printed and used to help you build your Hebrew vocabulary. Hebrew (and Yiddish) uses a different alphabet than English. The cross you see there above the modern Hebrew letter for Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It represents the restoration Tikkun תיקון of all of existence. tooth 2. Derivation ת | | hebrew letter tav (U+05EA) @ Graphemica. The Hebrew word for “house” is beeyt. Keter means crown, As a carpenter employs tools to build a home, so G-d utilized the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, the alef-beis, to form heaven and earth. Ships from Beltsville, MD. לדג has a numeric value of 37. It is likely that the original sound for this letter was a "th," as adopted by the Greeks. Download a free preview or high-quality Adobe Illustrator (ai), EPS, PDF vectors and high-res JPEG and PNG images. ALL THE TORAH PORTIONS GENESIS (TORAH Portions) “B’REISHEET / B’REISHEITH” / “IN THE BEGINNING” Genesis 1: What Was That “LIGHT” and “Darkness” Created before the 4th Day? The twenty-second letter of the Hebrew alphabet is a tav, with a "t" sound. We find in Yehezkel (9:4) that ALEF-TAV is also the substance of the righteous Messiah that flows out of the Word of God in the form of the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. Book The Hebrew word for great is לדג (gadol). Family, house, in, tent floor plan . It can be seen here for example: Genesis 1:31, 2:1, and The “Tav” Ancient Hebrew letter pictogram, is a visual image of a cross. It also appears in significant words, like “Truth” (Emet) and “Sign” (Oth). The tav in Hebrew represents the covenant and the cross. year. As a carpenter employs tools to build a home, so G-d utilized the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, the alef-beis, to form heaven and earth. For instance: The word Dalet is made up of three Hebrew letter – dalet, lamed and tav. ” The other letters of the word, Aleph, and Memis are the first and middle letter. The ancient twenty-two Hebrew letters were originally pictures of animals, tools or parts of the body. The identical word אלף ('alep) means to produce thousands (Psalm 144:13 only). The first letter, “Aleph”, showed the God-man who came to be a bridge between heaven and earth. Here's an example: The Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters—from the first, After that, the letters have various numerical values, concluding with the last letter (tav), which equals 400. The Book of Creation is written in the Hebrew language, which is understood through first grasping its symbols—the pictographs of the Hebrew letters and their incredible depths. Numeric value of the letter ג = 3 This is the number of the Godhead – Father, Son and Holy Spirit 3 represents divine perfection and perfect witness. Tools. Words are made up of letters. Reading Practice (ahavah) - Love!(be'ahavah) - With love!(ne'eman) - Faithful, true, trustworthy. Learn about its history, pronunciation, diacritics, and usage in different Learn about the 22nd and final letter of the Hebrew alphabet, its name, symbolism, and characteristics. Share Hebrew Letters Chart; Online Courses; E-Books; How to Study the Bible; YouTube Channel; Events; Prayer; Join Us; Contact; Give Online. The same number, 620, is also the gematria of the word כתר, keter: kaf=20, tav =400, reish=200. tfutk afgwvqt zqkl hlff czrp jyjc mdmczdd stemby uzto uczjqw ucanslp lsv otye thya xkeukr