Ultramarine helmet colors reddit Might have been first plastic Veteran kit, Sternguards I think. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. Was under the impression it was mainly veterans in general that had gold helmets, as rank isn’t denoted by helmet colour in the Blood Angels faction. What helmet colours to give him? self. it's on page 14, under "chapter organization" Sergeants are red. I have a question about helmet color - the new codex indicates Black helmets with white/red stripe for Lieutenants, white helmets for Captains & Sergeants. paint however you want. Best. Back in the day, Imperial Fists have designated sergeants with red skulls on the otherwise yellow helmet, which was cool — unfortunately the veterans had a red stripe down the middle of the helmet, which looked super dumb. I’m thinking black on the back ridge with white strips and a dark red base helm. And the astartes have fire on the pad instead of role. Sergeants wear red helmets, they could also wear a red wreath instead. It is suggested because they can see in infrared then mark their armors in other ways. Do as you like mate they are your dudes. Red generally has crappy coverage and can be a pain to paint over darker colours like blue. By 1995 and the Ultramarines Codex the red helmets for Sergeants rule had been established, and parts of the Studio armies were repainted. I know standard veterans, 1st company, have white helmets. Hope this helps! Source: Ultramarine since '95 These look exactly how I expected for the grunts. The question was about helmet colors, not shoulder colors, not about where in the codex the answer is, etc. Paint the helmet, paint the lenses silver, then paint the lenses with the gemstone color. Which is what the GW painter chose to do. Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and research. Following the ultramarine helmets as an example, should they be white, or is that reserved for first company only? Should they be red like that of a sergeant, or is that strictly limited to the leader of any given squad? Stuck a Space Marine helmet in a Bloodletter's hand, paimting it up as Ultramarines (my brother's army). Plus the bit was too cool not to use! Reply reply Unnamed28 Working on a color scheme for my Eldar 7. Nocturne runes on the left knee as honour markings. only when you zoom in do you really notice that contrast between the two colors. For the shoulder trim, I've seen red used often enough, so that's a good option, however the model's GW has been a bit inconsistent with regards to paint schemes for apothecaries and librarians. I can probably treat it like a specialized unit very much like a sternguard or a bladeguard would be. The wreath is usually found on officers such as Chapter Masters, Captains, Lieutenants, and sometimes (as is the case with your helmet, or the official paintjob on the previous models) on Veterans since these experienced Marines are the ones most likely to do accomplish something worthy of being The 8th edition space marine book gives examples of the helmet coloring for every different rank - they use ultramarines as an example, but I'm sure it applies for everything. There's a heavy metal vibe to it, very nice. I didn't need breadcrumbs, just needed an answer to a very simple question. Ultramarine are fond of laurels on helmets, often to denote seniority and experience in campaigns for the chapter. For example on ultramarine is white for veterans, red for seargents, blue with a red and white stripe for lieutenants. What color is a Terminator Captain helmet? As the title implies, I’m wondering how to paint a terminator captains helmet. it gets a bit harder with details and I feel I used too many colors which detract from the simplistic The captain helmet colour is labeled “commander” on this chart. veteran sergeants are red with a white "mohawk" thing, not sure the official name and a golden skull badge on their helm. It means that Space Marine has been awarded the Imperial Laurel battle honor. Also, a quite common thing to happen in the novels is for helmets to be damaged during combat and discarded when they become a liability. In my 10-man squads, I have one black helmet and one red helmet, and when the unit gets split into 5's, each one becomes commander for half the squad. Ultramarines have different color trim for different companies, and different helmet colors / stripes for rank. Company veterans however, not so sure. Focusing on helmets and shoulder pads with a dead simple scheme for the rest of the body. Sergeants of a Veteran squad have a red helmet with a white vertical stripe. Praetorians are a niche helmet bit because you can’t exaclty give 10 of them to a squad without it looking jarring I do wish they were a little more elaborate but very silly how people clearly just want MKIV helmets 2. Going in to battle without a helmet is badass, Space Marines (as most 40k characters) really like badassery. Helmet color Bone vs Green. Dark Angels were instead given an equivalent unit in the form Did an Ultramarine Terminator, let me hear your thoughts in the comments! 5. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Now, is there any system determining which units/ranks wear a helmet with a crest? Similar to how Sergeants get red helmets etc. -Gold trim is the default legion trim, as opposed to 40k where it's specifically the trim color of the 2nd company -Default sergeant helm color is white, not red. But a safe bet would be ultramarine's blue Reply tmagyck Pretty sure only the Ultramarines have the pure white helmet at least from the non-Deathwing or White Scar Terminators I have seen, it seems to be the helmet is either the Veteran Helmet colour (Ultramarines), or the Chapter's main colour (Blood Angels) most of the time. Paint them how you want. Just got into painting after waaaaaay to many years of just playing the video games and reading the books and when it came to painting the my 4th Company Chaplain and Apothecary I got a bit confused since they were not part of 4th company per say but in the Defenders of Ultramar comic they had green trims. +1 Reply reply aurionreddit So the new Ultramarine helmets came out Share Sort by: Best. Sergeants have a red helmet, Veterans have white, lieutenants and veteran sergeants have a mix of those (lieutenants has base blue with stripes, VS has red with white stripe) and Captains are mostly just blue often with just the Golden skull as the only difference from normal marines. I do a few black helmets. Bone is the colour of the First Company, the Deathwing. Canonically what color should the space marine helmets be? Related but he's grasping a helmet in one of his left hands and there's one on the ground basically any color. It encapsulates that he is a veteran champion of the 1st. Solely around the helmet situation for DW Veterans as the title suggests. Don’t color outside them or your commander will be mad. He’s got a helmet and I’ve done some research and could only find generic or ultramarine based colours. Thoughts? Edit: Going to pickup some paints from my LGS later today. Veterans have white helmets I mentioned raven guard as it’s an example of how they tweak their color scheme to denote rank, but it’s by no means exclusive to them. that are all connected in the 40k universe. Example, this guy is an ultramarine while this guy is an Imperial Fist. By the book Salamanders typically do not denote rank with a change in helmet color. I've got the model built, and I've used the Hello! I'm new to ultramarines and I was looking for some help with helmet colors when it comes to captains. green eyes for RED ultramarine helmets . Terrible. I'm painting up the Primaris Marines from the Dark Imperium box (my first minis in 25+ years!) and I've (5 colour blend) I'm getting a DI Gravis Capt for my All Marines collection (see my sig) and wanted some feedback on the color for the shoulder trim and helmet The "standard" scheme has a blue helmet and gold shoulder trim. Do they wear the typical helmet colour or the ones of the first company? Well if it Its a homebrew ultramarine successor Reply The largrst space marine organization is called a chapter. A marine's coloring indicates their chapter. What colour are Ultramarine weapons? I'm wanting to paint a second company squad, and when I was collecting in the 90s it was standard to paint ultrasmurf weapons red. Skip to main content. What is a chapter Masters Helmet Colour . This can be in the lore, models or new information and news coming for the Primaris range View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. At the end of the day they’re your models so Ultramarine Primaris Veteran Sergeant conversion Share Sort by: so I felt the extra elaborate helmet was justified. Thought I'd get a general discussion on the go. Originally in the old legion, a Red helmet was a punishment, a sign of censure for an offence. Open comment sort as someone with an Ultramarine army for Horus Heresy, I wish these were more UM-oriented. We interpret color very differently as soon as other colors are close to and around it. The Ultramarine tendencies are all very well documented, The Lieutenant red and white stripes on the helmet make them look like american football helmets. Again, for a first time edge highlight, this is stellar! Smith Persist in orange user here. Anyone have any tips. 0 which is boring as shit. Terrible example, but If I need to paint the line in the middle of a two-way road (in the USA it's yellow), and someone replies with "you paint the line that separates the road and median white!" It's just a splash of color. You do you mate, at the end of the day they’re all our own toy soldiers. Welcome to the Eldar Subreddit, the premier place on Reddit to discuss Eldar, Dark Eldar and Harlequins for Warhammer 40,000! Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. I’m sure you can think of a lore friendly excuse for just doing things your own way. Even if they're not from the 2nd Company, officers are going to have a lot of gold ornamentation on their armor, and having some white to show that he served in the 1st Company or as part of his homeworld heraldry both looks the part and is also traditional for the chapter I’ve bought a couple of packs of the Primaris Ultramarine upgrades and I’m just wondering how they’re intended to be used - are the shoulder/ helmet the premier place on Reddit to discuss Eldar, Dark Eldar and Harlequins for Warhammer 40,000! Ultramarine helmet upvotes This Sub Reddit is for anything and everything related to the Primaris Space Marines made by Belisarius Cawl. Also note that whether a chapter follows these often has as much to do with the chapter’s color View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. After a mooch around on the net I've seen a lot of them painted black instead, is this some change in the fluff from GW, or is it just modern fashion to go for black weapons these days? I know that for an ultramarine sergeant, you paint the helmet red , and that's it, but for a lieutenant, do you lair on the paint red, then white as stripes on the helmet or is their another way to do that,my other question is what other ranks have what type of helmet colors Ultramarine Helmet Showcase Do you spend too much time browsing reddit? You may already be part of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Which is fine, but I know UMs have some other options. One could make a personal heraldry argument. Deep Rock Galactic is a 1-4 player co-op-first sci-fi FPS featuring Ultramarine Heraldry Lore Hey. Red helmets denoted a censured marine, which is later reversed due to the meritorious actions of a censured marine and enshrined in the codex astartes post-heresy Gold and white are basically the most acceptable alternate colors to put on an Ultramarines Captain. As above. Fans of fantasy, science fiction, horror, alt history, and more can all find a home with us. So I mistook the MkII Ultramarine picture (found online, can't remember what book it's in) as being a Silver and Ultramarines Blue color scheme, rather than Bright/Brilliant Gold and Blue, and based my current army's colors on that (Artificer Armoured Praetor, Command, and Sergeants are the usual Gold and Blue). Just without airbrush. The shoulder trim denotes Company, while helmet colour is rank. 7 helmet and Bolter. This color scheme sucks. Now not sure if the eyes should be a vivid What colours are cannon for Ultramarine Captain helmets? Thanks. . Welcome all new and returning players to r/adeptusmechanicus, Latest of my "Nerubic Revenants" painted-up Going off a black basecoat and I'm not sure which color to use for UM: torn between GW's Altdorf Blue, Vallejo's Ultramarine, and Army Painter's Ultramarine Blue. This is how you get white Veteran markings on other Company trim colours. You'll also see people use the wrong helmet on commanders, without the tiny little skull - even on marines they use as Intercessors or the like. Touch up around the edges of the lenses with the base helmet color. On the Thanks everyone for the info. It's different between chapters and AFAIK there isn't a definitive official rank color system Taking ultramarines as an example there's no specific helmet color for some. Well I attempted to paint ultramarine helmet but the colors were awful, so please be nice Painting Share Did an Ultramarine Terminator, let me hear your thoughts in the comments! 5. Salamanders40k Welcome to the Eldar Subreddit, the premier place on Reddit to discuss Eldar, Dark Eldar and Harlequins for Warhammer 40,000! When it comes to their helmet color, I'm a bit uncertain. Honestly, just paint them how you want to. 1st Company Veteran Sergeants wear a white helmet with a red wreath. Blood Angels, for example, use the color of their helmet to indicate the battlefield-role (red=troops, blue=fire-support, yellow=melee-support, gold=veterans/HQ). A veteran sgt helm is red with a white stripe and any sgt in your The Champion typically has a gold helmet, apothecaries have wholly white armour, the standard bearer will have the standard veteran appearance, and Hi all, can anyone help with choosing colours for the red helmets. It's a tough decision but i think i will stick with the white helmet and golden laurel + skull. Iron skulls, laurels and everything else are honours earned by the marine through an act of valor. Love this model. I believe the only "mandatory" display of rank is the color of the helmet. Unit designation/specialty is designated by these Or as I like to call it: The Rule of HOUNOR AND GLORY. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to It shows you the veteran colour scheme for 2nd company; white helmet, blue armour with gold trim on shoulder pad and plan blue knee cap. Just this quick question, do dark angels paint the helmet of their sergeants read or keep it green? Seen their codex doesn’t say it (that I could find), and seen them painted both ways on the internet!!! r/Fantasy is the internet's largest discussion forum for the greater Speculative Fiction genre. Interestingly the 2010s Cataphract and Tartaros Terminators have blue helmets in the Studio paintjobs. Inspired by Alex Boyd's cover art for the 5th Edition Space Marines codex. I prefer my legions to be identifiable by their wargear regardless of the pattern of armor. White helmet (veterans and apothecaries): Red / Orange Red helmet (sergeant): Green In short: Pick whatever you want. Reply reply Ultramarine captains just have standard blue helmets with a skull on them – there isn’t really a custom color to denote them. I think your mistake is assuming that veterans are all 1st company, they are not. veterans are white. Note that Ultramarine Veteran status is indeed marked by white, but this may also be marked by a laurel pattern painted on the helmet; the marking showcases on the 4th and 5th Edition Codex Space Marines also show a red Sergeant's helmet with white laurels (so Veteran I'm putting together some 3rd company veteran squads and wondering about helmet colors. 👆This. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Role on left, Drake on right pad. I've googled a bit and couldn't find anything. 1st Company Veterans wear white helmets. Gold trim for my second company. I found a whole bunch of stuff on colors and things like that, but not much on crests. Captains helmet is typically the same colour as a battle brother, but with additional embellishments, such as a green or gold laurel, or some sort of plume atop. upvotes The Reddit home of the Dark Angels, their successor chapters, and imprisoned Fallen. Sternguard Veterans normally didn't exist in Dark Angels armies; they are meant to be members of the First Company. In an I thought an Ultramarine helmet would be a cool idea. I have a system - I chose a main colour (orange, because it works well with green), and so most of their jerseys are orange (blue for my Tankbustas, for luck; purple for my Kommandos, for sneakiness). Eavy Metal's not my thing but I really wanted to do a Mk7 Astartes and Duncan Rhodes' tutorials made the process look fun so I gave it a shot. But, its your army. More time for details and secondary colors ;) If you base-spray it in black all around and chrome or silverspray from helmet or By 1992/93 and the Tyranid Attack box the helmets on the squad were changed to white. We'll see what I pickup. Or Ultramarine helmet 40k I like the style and colours, especially the ultramarine helmet. Members Online. I think technically its white, although I The various helmet and shoulder trim colours are based in the Codex Astartes and so is especially important for Ultramarines. In my head the red still represents the sergeant, and the black just represents some special campaign honor, or a particularly well respected brother or something. I stumbled across this screenshot a while back relating to different rankings / colours for Space Marine helmets. A way to show skill and add visual detail to otherwise large blocks of solid color. Discussion As a new player into both tabletop and lore I had a small question for some of the veterans of the XIII. The command squad box has a marine that used to be called a company veteran with a standard blue helmet, gold trimming-2nd company. No canon lore reason. There the White Consuls who believe politics is as important as warfare ( white and green) There are the iron snakes that have an Apothecary in every squad (steel and white) The Doom Eagles who believe they are already dead and part of their trials is to accept this knowledge (also steel and red) View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. I'm assuming white as he would likely be a veteran. You can do it how you like, but it is general mostly done by colors. My questions surrounding this are: Is that just for the Smurfs? (I assumed so but thought I would ask anyway) Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Captains mostly still wear blue helmets with no additional markings, but some lieutenants are marked with a red strilpe and two white stripes. If you check the product page for the firstborn company command box, you can see the apothecary there is painted in mostly ultramarine colours with white helmet and shoulder pad. Paint the lenses first then it doesn’t matter if you go outside, you just paint the blue around after. A captain with a red helmet is not a crime. In the HH book Know No Fear, Dan Abnett makes the red helmet a plot point- a random sergeant Aeonid Thiel has his helmet painted red as a mark of censure, but we never find out until the end of the novel why. 363K subscribers in the DeepRockGalactic community. apply fine brush strokes of pure caledor sky on some of the most exposed "spheres" like the shoulder pads and the helmet. New the premier place on Reddit to discuss Eldar, Dark Eldar and Harlequins for Warhammer 40,000! Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I know Sergeants have red helmets (with a white stripe if veteran), veterans have As mentioned above, Ultramarines have blue helmets, with Sergeants having red, Veteran squads having white, and Veteran Sergeants wearing red with a white stripe, and Looks like a pro airbrushed figure with highlights and shadow all u need. Painting up this fella next for my smurfs. The 40k reddit community is super friendly. I have a similar color motorcycle helmet because it pops. Well there are the Praetors of Orpheus who love technology and science. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. I was looking at the wiki and found that little page about the ultramarines heraldry with info on the different pauldron symbols and the helmet colour and stuff,,, essentially, I made a few of my standard assault intercessors have red helmets and one has red pauldrons, just for variety in my troops, but now I'm wondering how "lore friendly" this is, since they aren't conforming to As far as I'm aware as long as they have one pauldron that is ultramarine blue with the U and company trim you can pretty much do as you like within reason. Broadly speaking, you can paint captains helms in either blue or white, to represent their stature as veterans of the chapter. It'll look 90% as good as the more detailed traditional approach in a tenth the time and with a much lower skilllevel needed. Easy Ultramarine scheme, which applies to vehicles just the same: Spray Macragge Blue Shade pretty much all over with Nuln Oil Apply Macragge Blue from the pot to restore the original colour to larger areas and armour panels, leaving darker shade in recesses Highlight panels with mix of Macragge Blue and Calgar Blue First custom for 2023: an Artist Proof Hellblaster customized into an Eavy Metal style Ultramarine with the classic Mk. Looked online for references but can’t seem to find any. If you want it to pop try putting down a white layer on the lenses first then over that with red. Top. Also note that whether a chapter follows these often has as much to do with the chapter’s color Posted in r/Warhammer40k by u/fireflyfrv • 907 points and 50 comments It won't teach you to paint space marines, but it has a full page of sample models in the UM scheme for every unit type in the marine codex. I like it a lot: stands out from the backgroun, fits my head-shape (long-oval) pretty well, and not as ugly as the safety-green color. Open comment sort options. The Ultramarines community on Reddit. I think we have seen the same inceptors, I have also seen Reivers and Infiltrators in all black with just one pauldron painted in chapter colors. 1st - White/Silver 2nd - As the title says, I'm wondering what colour an Ultramarine captain's helmet would be, more specifically, Captain Ardias of the 3rd. I run my primaris more codex compliant, but black helmets and white helmet strip es where needed. I'll hopefully be using these as my first army to actually game with, as I've never played before. What is the helmet colour for a chapter champion and also for a company champion of the ultramarines? I know the Sgt, very Sgt, lt and capt etc but can't find anywhere the champion. My custom chapter uses black for sergeant helmets because red wouldn’t suit their purple armour. Is it blood angels red? What green is used for the eyes? I’ve looked on the citadel app but the Ultramarine model they have Ultramarine captains just have standard blue helmets with a skull on them – there isn’t really a custom color to denote them. Ultramarine colors . edge highlight with hoeth blue until you are satisfied. I guess its the sense of elitism and grand the color scheme gives off. If you don't include sergeant helmet colors you also shouldn't use the sergeant weapons and bonuses in game - the document clearly shows how sergeants should be painted, same with other ranks. 518 votes, 68 comments. The photo is of my current color scheme, just not feelin the red, anyone have suggestions or photos of other sergeant helmet colors that work nice with the ultramarines blue? Share Sort by: Best. I want my beakies. There are no set rules dictating the colors for lenses, however the above is what is mostly used except for some very, very rare cases where they're blue or green on white helmets, or green on blue helmets. This changed I do see that their ultramarine successors in the most recent codecs, so I'm going to assume they are codex compliant and their sergeants usually bear a different color helmet compared to the rest of the guys in the squad, but I could not find anywhere through any of the resources that I've been using what color that might be. I've got the captain from the know no fear box last year and I've given him the gold trim of 2nd company to go with the rest of my troops. Typically checks are just very painterly. Some chapters use helmet-colors to indicate the status or role of a unit. And less time. Then I picked out four other colours (Fenrisian Grey, Khorne Red, Ultramarine Blue, and Bone White) and I paint pants and boots with those other colours, mixed randomly The colour of the helmet will depend on the chapter’s heraldry, the standard codex colour is red for sergeant etc. They were originally the paint job for Ultramarines sergeants on tabletop (other Chapters had different helmet colors for their officers). I think the beaked helmets clash heavily with the Ultramarine elements and the I've been slowly collecting and painting ultramarines since last year and I'm starting to get a sizeable force of primaris marines together. I typically paint sergeant and ancient/terminator helmets black and Lieutenant helmets yellow just because it makes models instantly recognisable on table. There was/is a Beaky helmet you can get which has both a laurel and skull. Help Needed/New Painter If you haven't yet, take a look at our wiki pages in the Sidebar (the About tab if you are on the Reddit app). ptm epox anrjd nxhwnn zrowto lkwjpyjr qeue ptqtawuf ovs dmllxrw tnfttfn xynn kitczf skyy uns