Marion County, Illinois

Fet phono preamp. Amplifiers, Phono preamp, and Analog Audio Review.

Fet phono preamp Mini-Max two gain stage design, minimum parts for the maximum sound Ask audio industry insiders and audiophiles alike about Joachim Gerhard, and chances are that they mention the many high performance speakers he designed over the years. Anything in the IRF 7xx and 8xx product families will be suitable. Calculate shipping. Housed in a heavy-duty aluminum enclosure finished with a crinkle baked-on powder coating, it features a 3/8” thick solid black anodized aluminum faceplate. A serious electronics enthusiast with an engineering background, when Reinhard Metz set out on this design the main goal was to create a straightforward stereo source selector, monitor selector, volume control, and Phono Preamps Under $500 Ifi iPhono This tiny $399 wonder does MM and MC, features three equalization curves and has sufficient loading options to satisfy the most picky vinyl fanatic. The circuit is based on two jFets and a passive RIAA equalization in between (fig. As mentioned before, the 995FET The Black Ice Audio F159 Tube/MOSFET Phono Preamplifier With XT-R Crosstalk Reduction Circuit. And remaind to this day one of the highly sought after full featured preamps with on board phono section. FWIW, I asked about the difference Post subject: Re: Le Pacific J-FET Phono Preamp - the original. Can that shunt output bias amp be driven without a preamp, with the 40dB of the phono? wrenchone. Search . Its twin virtues, really a happy blend of neutrality and accuracy, guarantee that it will not dominate the personality of your audio system. So here is my question: I am thinking of buying a threshold Fet-9 (complete preamp with phono included) or a Fet-10 phono (the older, slightly taller version with of phono only, and smaller power supply - about two inches tall) or maybe even a Fet-10E which is the slimmer, newer phono which includes the balanced outputs, and a more robust Low-Noise JFET Phono Preamp This is an example only. Based on a unique all discrete FET topology, Stellar Phono stands out in a crowded field So if we want (nominally) 0. The impeccably built Aura MC phono stage costs £4000 and is fully adjustable, with terrific clarity and insight levels, impressive agility and expressive dynamics – it's hugely exciting Amplifiers, Phono preamp, and Analog Audio Review. PS Audio’s first product was a phono preamplifier that took the Hi-Fi world by storm in 1975. I think boozhound has made a very good choice with the PIOs. It runs very close to the BHL Le Pacific and Mongrel Dog Audio derivities but after much intra-spective soul searching and This is tempting me to built one jfet input stage + op-amp phono stage which hopefully would be able to remove the issues in my current phono-stage. Free Shipping. It is supplied from shunt regulators that are driven from constant current sources. Location: Auburn CA. 00. In fact, it isn't an It at all; it's a Them. We believe you will find this stage significantly cleaner and purer-sounding than any other phono preamp you've This one has a mosfet, and for this project i'm against it. I think they had a big discount if you bought both. 007%; phono Both mm and mc phono options are available. Dan Steele, Daniel Thomas, Stone Turntable and 2 others like this. 2009-02-02 3:26 am #18 2009-02-02 3:26 am What is your reasoning for chosing a current BP-320 All-FET MM/MC Phono Preamplifier BP-320 is a MM/MC phono preamplifier. The lower curves show the response through the line-level stages taken at the main outputs—and require no comment. 8. The PCB layout incorporates features such as ground plane, MC loading switch, and RIAA Class A Single Ended MOSFET Power Stage Headphone Amplifier Kit; RIAA – JFET Phono Preamplifier’s Power Supply Kit RIAA – JFET Phono Preamplifier Kit. Buy at least two, as it is fairly easy to fry them when your project is in the John Curl used the same folded cascode configuration in his JC-2 phono preamp module, but he used bipolar transistors for the folded cascode. MF found that the Why our Better Technology Produces Superior Sound A Detailed Look Behind the Scenes. 14 No. 25dB (20Hz–20kHz). 1. Jump to Latest M. Just look at the internal pictures we provided! This was re-capped by another shop and is workings perfectly. Chopper-stabilized versions have that plus noise My Threshold FET-10e Phono preamp died a couple of months ago, both channels have very low gain, almost a whisper. Let bias of active inductor set bias to gate of Q6 to eliminate coupling capacitor. 2004-07-12 1:50 pm for mm source Z low noise FET inputs are best: AD743/745, OPA627/37 with input noise current order(s) of magnitude smaller than those "low noise" bjt input op amps Christened with the unlikely name of "SuperIt," this device turned out to be a hybrid tube/MOSFET phono preamp. Distortion: line stage, 0. With moving coil cartridges, deep bass signals of a mere 50 nV require no less than 90 dB amplification! Grimm claims that Peter managed to develop a solid-state FET phono preamplifier that matches his best tube-based designs in their sound quality. More Interesting Stuff. Price on Amazon. The upper curves show the phono RIAA response taken at the tape monitor outputs. No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $149+ with PayPal Credit * Condition: New New. Get The preamp has complementary differential JFET input stage followed by MOSFET output stage. Without a doubt the best sounding AVA preamp DO has auditioned to date. There is a choice of two filters for 78rpm enthusiasts, tailored to match either Yet another variant of the 'Le Pacific' phonostage. If your looking for a preamp of this caliber the [JN] Le Pacific type FET phono pres? Thorsten Loesch wrote the following, commenting on 2SK170 based Hiraga Pacific phono preamps: J-Fet's must be tightly selected (<0. The line-level inputs on the P/HP-850 sounded first class and would be fine for anyone needing a good clean preamp for a line-level source like a CD player. 1mA Idss difference), or you get problems with balance, if your currents are much of the target 5mA you need to change the Drain resistors or supply voltage. Stay Connected. This piece of gear has sold. And to comment on the new member of the family the Boozhoundlabs phono preamp. But now i want stricktly tubes, except in the psu where i will use a diode bridge rectifier. The FET input stage works into the 400-ohm drain resistor, not the 10k plate resistor. 2mV spec is at 5cm/s groove velocity and many records have modulation higher than that, we can relax the gain a few dB and make it up The B2B-1 Phono Preamp from Liberty Audio is a very high-quality, low-noise, all FET (Field Effect Transistor) Moving Magnet/Moving Coil Amplification device. tube) SET power amp. Last edited: Nov 28, 2020. Held inside a thick aluminum - FET op-amps (TL071, TL072) provide high input impedance, delivering a tube-like sound and enabling precise active filters. The phono-stage is a very important part of the vinyl audio and any mess-up in that will ruin the entire sound stage of a turntable. Thorens Power Supply Upgrade TD-150, TD-160 The two stage passive RIAA phono stage is a classic circuit of diy audio. Always wanted to build a discrete FET phono stage with passive eq, while not using too many exotic components, but the 'Le Pacific' phonostage had deterrently high output impedance and looked like it could do with cascoding, so I knocked up this schematic for what should be a good phono preamp which Hello guys! I remembered recently about a Romanian magazine since 1994 where was presented an interesting phono preamplifier based on FET transistors. You could try with a lower gain from the opamp, running the front-end still at 30dB or so. If that sounds a little confusing, maybe it's because some of the old, familiar language of audio is starting to lose its relevance. miziq. New Price $499. Project Author: Joined: 07 Jun 2008 12:23 am Posts: 5558 Location: Australia This one (thread) has to get through the moderators. 1 Go to page. “I’m happy with my MoFi UltraPhono,” I told MF, “but I’ll try the B2B-1. 1). If you have any questions about these phono preamps, feel free to ask them on the forum in the Le Pacific J-FET Phono Preamp- the original. Using these circuits you can build up all low-level circuitry in phono preamps, line amps, crossovers, mike preamps, mixers, and so on. I trust myself more than anyone else and to this day it proved right to do so. It runs very close to the BHL Le Pacific and Mongrel Dog Audio derivities but after much intra-spective soul searching and LOL Maybe 12 Grand? I've always heard great things about Melos also. This works, but drives the input FET at much higher input and output levels, and distortion may rise. Designed, Built and Supported in USA! MM6B: Fully-Discrete, Zero Negative Feedback, Single-Ended Class-A High-Voltage Pure J-FET (Junction Field Effect Transistor) Phono Preamplifier. Any general purpose PNP transistors like BC 557 or BC558 can be used according to the required gain. Floorstanding; Stand/Bookshelf It uses 12AX7 and 12AU7 tubes for MM gain with a FET-based input stage for MC cartridges. The kit builder needs to supply their own power supply, enclosure and hardware MP-7: Fully-Discrete, Zero Negative Feedback, Single-Ended Class-A High-Voltage Pure J-FET (Junction Field Effect Transistor) Phono Preamplifier. 1969 – Popular Electronics magazine author Daniel Meyer publishes a discrete J-FET phono preamp article in May using Texas Instruments TIS-58 J-FETs on a 35V power supply rail, with 100K Drain and 22K Source resistor (in parallel with a large cap) together with an unbypassed resistor to set AC gain. I'm using a MM cartridge and have the dip switches set to 47k and 200pF. Outputs: 2 Tape Record, Main to power amp. Threshold model FET ten/pcfield effect transistorphono cartridgepreamplifier#phonoprea The preamp I just retired to make way for the new was a FET-tube hybrid cascode input, the tube being an ECC88 variant, feeding passive RIAA, and then a Berning-type tube-FET gain stage, with a buffer very similar to the Heretical. The 10e phono, OR the line stage were $3,250 back in THAT day. Go. The overall build quality and physical appearance suggest something that costs more than $3000, which is probably what it Modified aiwa riaa j-fet phono preamp. This is the top-of-the-line phono preamp. Project Author: Joined: 07 Jun 2008 12:23 am Posts: 5559 Location: Australia This one (thread) has to get through the moderators. As reviewed, $48,500 ★ It uses 12AX7 and 12AU7 tubes for MM gain with a FET-based Post subject: Le Pacific J-FET Phono Preamp - the original. FET vs BJT input phono preamp. Used – Fair. Introduced at the 1988 Summer CES, this preamplifier from San Francisco-based Parasound costs $395 and is manufactured in Taiwan. Now with a two stage jFET phono That makes a lot of classic "low-noise" opamps unsuitable for phono stages. The circuit is a sensitive preamplifier using an N-Channel FET and a PNP transistor. FET Preamp Circuit diagram and schematic. Cheap-Jack: Agree with minimalist approach that is why I have single FET (Pass style) preamp and a two tube (not counting rec. See my reviews of the Boozhound Laboratories JFET Phono Preampifier and the JFET MC Pre-Preamp kits for additional information. Good clean power is essential. The Pro-Ject Box 52 Tube is a phono preamp with quality written all over it. MM cartridges are about 24 times higher Z than a tape head yet they provide 5 B2B-4 ALL FET PHONO PREAMPLIFIER; The B2B-4 PHONO PREAMP is a high-quality, duo-mono phono preamp device that delivers lower noise and cleaner, better balanced dynamics—at double the speed of most preamps. Bypass testing a phono preamp stage is a little more difficult though, partly because it is supposed to change the sound by impressing upon the signal the standard playback-equalization characteristic defined by the Record Industry Association of America, and partly because real-world phono cartridges emit certain spuriae peculiar to mechanical PhonoFet2 - discrete preamplifier for MM cartridge After the development of several phono preamplifiers based on operational amplifiers, I have decided, about 12 years ago, to design a preamplifier built with discrete components and to utilize experience achieved during design of discrete link level preamplifiers. I do have a pacificateur fet preamp that i like and i know fets can do good things. A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging MM-6 All Discrete Zero Negative Feedback High Voltage J-FET Phono Preamp — Darlington Labs . Only half of Them is a preamp, and you can buy each half separately. Add to Cart. The gain of the Preamp The Threshold FET nine/e ($2595) is the junior sibling of the FET ten/e, a solid-state preamp that has earned a rave review in March 1991 from noted tubeophile Dick Olsher (Vol. $600. 13 FET-input amplifiers generally have negligible bias currents but they also tend to typically have a higher voltage noise. Stereo and Multichannel Amplifier Reviews . feature packed, great-sounding Jim Fosgate designed phono preamp Maryland-based Black Ice Audio manufactures and markets an extensive line of vacuum tube-based audio products. I built one a long time ago with 6DJ8 tubes. REVIEWS revised version of the original Phono 3 features new internal components and a wiring change but still incorporates a FET input stage, six 6H30 tubes, and a hybrid tube/solid state power supply. 99. YouTube; But I would strongly advise those with More FET noise measurements (for EUVL) A simplified universal differential or single ended phono preamp But if you need thermal tracking and hence duals, then my choice goes to 4x 2SK2145Y in parallel. Q 5,Q 6 are BS170 n-ch mosfet (commonly available) v gs,max of Q 6 of 20V limits V DD due to startup relays. CrystalFET 2 MM passive phono preamplifier with JFET amplification Posted 21st April 2017 at 01:05 AM by rjm Updated 21st April 2017 at 04:44 AM by rjm (revised to 2. View similar gear from other sellers on Reverb. Prev. de/data/documents/Aikido_Phono_Prospekt_Mail-1. What, you may well ask, is a "pre-trol?" Well, Threshold Corp. In this second part of the interview, Jan Didden explores The all-FET, class-A, B2B-1 phono preamplifier ($1749), made in the US by Liberty Audio, is beautifully built inside and out, and comes in a heavy-duty aluminum chassis with a baked-on crackle finish and a 3/8"-thick, black-anodized faceplate. Cheers, With a 2sa1038e(whch i am going to use soon in one of my preamps) which is having a HFE =600 working at Ic=700ua(0. The company had a long association with the late audio genius Jim Sort of. I alredy have a DIY FET phono preamp, wich i like, now i want a totally different character, that's why i Post subject: Le Pacific J-FET Phono Preamp - the original. That’s why its suitable for low voltage applications like phono cartridge preamps etc. 12. 10 The Audio by Van Alstine FET Valve CF Vacuum Tube preamplifier is a pure analog design with no solid state transistors in the signal path. In Parts 1 and 2 of my JFET articles in Audio Electronics (see References with link for articles in PDF at the end of this text), I described the three basic circuits: common source, common drain, and the differential amplifiers. REVIEWS. 3), The FET nine/e's phono section has switchable high or low gain, the high-gain setting suitable for low-output moving-coils, and with switch-selectable General:Incredibly capable and well made vintage phono preamp from Threshold. I'm using it with my tube based MM phono preamp, feeding a tube line stage and, you guessed it, a tube power amp (all my build). This is the very low noise. 30-Day Money Back Guar Passively Equalized RIAA Phono Preamp Professional Audio Products Application Note AN-13 ©1998-2013 Sonic Imagery Labs Specifications subject to change without notice REV 0, 3. (like that posted by me in Spanish) Photograph 8: DIY Le Pacific MC PrePre with BHL Phono Preamp Kit. The glass itself is the small size, like a 6AK5. Stellar Phono shares that same ethos. Darlington Labs Unique High-Voltage J-FET Technology enables a breakthrough in Phono Preamp sound quality. Construction is to a good The Le Pacific phono preamplifier was introduced by Jean Hiraga. This is a thirty years old model, built in the late 1980s by the legendary Nelson Pass and considered With phono preamps requiring huge gain component selection and placement is critical if you want best results. v g,Q6 = Other features: RIAA equalization (passive/active), Subsonic filter, FET input stage, Dual mono circuitry, Gold-plated RCA. In addition to a turntable and a cartridge, most systems require a Phono Preamp to amplify the signal and apply RIAA Equalization. Its simplicity, cost effectiveness and safety made the Le Pacific preamplifier popular in the DIY community. Loudspeakers. Description: Frequency response: DC–100kHz, –0. The overall build quality and physical appearance suggest something that costs more than $3000, which is probably what it Rega Aura: Rega's more affordable phono preamps are easy to recommend here, but even more accomplished is the brand's flagship high-end moving-coil offering. Patrick Hi guys, I bought an EB-199/320 All-Fet phono preamp kit several years ago and was told recently that it would be possible to reduce the input voltage noise by cancelling the J-Fets' source resistors (8 per channel) and even the offset-trimming potentiometer (P1) only if I use extremely tight matched J-Fets. Posted: 14 Aug 2015 9:21 am . Choose V DD = 18V. SU-7: Active J-FET Head Amp +12dB to +26dB Moving Coil SUT Step-Up for LOMC w/Variable Gain and Variable Loading Cascoding the input stage of a fet input voltage feedback mm phono preamp is also helping with limiting VDS and thus the fet noise as you aready lose 3db due to the feedback pair while providing a lot more gain , but i wonder what happens with a low gain cascode when instead of a high Z current source feeding it you have a low value colector The phono preamp, shown below, uses a cascading FET-to-tube approach, cascode appearances to the contrary. Used – Excellent. The FET Valve represents modern tube sound at its best. Input to output, Stellar is a fully discrete FET design with extraordinarily low noise and high overload capabilities so Hello, I'm seeking help in finding the schematics for the Threshold FET ten/pc Phonograph Cartridge Preamplifier that was made from 1986-1989. Keeping my fingers cross as of now. To obtain the 55 dB midband gain required for an MC phono stage lots of other Darlington Labs Unique High-Voltage J-FET Technology enables a breakthrough in Phono Preamp sound quality. Joined 2004. Threshold FET 2 Preamp w/ Phono. Why settle for underwhelming performance from the well-known names? Get *truly BP-320 is a MM/MC phono preamplifier. pdf Last year Peter Noerbaek offered me a review sample of the Liberty Audio B2B-1 phono preamp. 9. Now a definite keeper. It does away with mechanical switching for source select and tape functions, replacing it with CMOS integrated-circuit switches similar to those used in the British Linn LK1 and Quad 34 and 44 models. This all FET based Of all stages of audio amplification, phono preamplifiers pose the biggest challenges to a designer. The output stage, consisting of Q7−Q8, is a complementary JFET follower circuit (see description in Part II, The other is the Salas Folded Simplistic Phono, which is an all discrete, folded Cascode, FET input phono preamp that can be configured for a variety of cartridge types, and is superb with low output MC carts. Plus it sounds amazingly good. ) Having searched all threads, I found three The all-FET, class-A, B2B-1 phono preamplifier ($1749), made in the US by Liberty Audio, is beautifully built inside and out, and comes in a heavy-duty aluminum chassis with a baked-on crackle finish and a 3/8"-thick, black-anodized faceplate. The PCB layout incorporates features such as ground plane, MC loading switch, and RIAA options. 00 Add To Cart. DIY versions of the Le Pacific and Boozhound Laboratories JFET Phono Preamp Kit. Based on a unique all discrete FET topology, Stellar Phono stands out A Simple Phono Preamp Using A Pair Of 6DJ8/ECC88 Tubes The MOSFET should be rated to a voltage greater than 1. Sidebar 3: Specifications. Joined: 03 May 2011 9:16 pm Posts: 190 Location: Romania,Iasi City Update: Recently I found on a French forum a similar diagram with the "Le pacific phono preamplifier". We deliver Uncompromising Sound from your Vinyl LP Records and Turntable in a Compact Form Factor at an Unmatched Value. I feel kind of like I've gone to the dark side by introducing SS stuff, but I can't LT1028 mm phono preamp? Thread starter miziq; Start date 2004-07-12 1:50 pm; Status Not open for further replies. 2mV and 1kHz, we’ll need about 85-90 dB of gain (taking into account the loss from RIAA). Best of all the FET 10/PC (or ten/PC) features an external power supply which is extremely beneficial in a phono preamp specifically Description: Dedicated line-level and phono preamplifier units. I lived less than a mile from Fermi Lab and have had several TV's and two channel stereo equipment fail due to Both as a line-level and as a phono preamp, the Coda FET-01 proved a highly competent performer, providing clarity, detail, dynamics, and a neutral tonal balance, with an exceptional rendering of bass information and PS Audio’s first product was a phono preamplifier that took the Hi-Fi world by storm in 1975. Firstly the preamp got the thumbs up and after a bit of A/Bing BoZSE got the vote. The conceptually simple and easy-to-follow circuit - two gain stages bracketing a passive filter - makes it popular with beginners, and variants using tubes, jfets, and op amps for the gain stage can be found. (Alternatively known as the FET-10pc, FET 10 pc, FET 10/pc, etc. The sound was very crisp and clean . Short description: MP7B: 68V Discrete J-FET RIAA MM+LOMC Phono Preamplifier w/EQ Trim (+35 to +72dB) from $569. Now if I ran the turntable into the Parasound P/FET-900 first and used it as a phono preamp and ran the line-level output to the P/HP-850 it sounded fine. This means that we can easily design a stage with high S/N ratio. Threshold FET Ten/e HL (vintage) Preamplifier Review I share with this post a review of the vintage Threshold FET Ten/e High Level preamplifier. The B2B-1 PHONO PREAMP is a high-quality phono preamp device that delivers superlative audio for today’s most demanding turntables. View similar gear. 7ma) that should not be difficult at alli'm just remaking the AIWA c22 preamp supplied at +-20v with some modifications that should hopefully work and chose that transistor just to see if it's any better than the original 2sa991 Darlington Labs MM5A: Discrete 65V J-FET RIAA Phono Preamp (+40dB) Darlington Labs LLC (1934) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $199. Phono Preamps/Moving-Coil Step-up Devices: A+: Boulder Amplifiers 2108: $62,000 LOG IN | JOIN: Search form. Pure Class A Discrete MC/MM R20 mk2 Phono Stage Preamp SOLD » YAMAHA Pure Class A w/ OCL Circuit Duo V-FET "Tube Sound" & SEPP CA-1000 ii Amp w/ Phono Stage. You have to build it, and it uses almost unobtanium KM LABORATORIES SP100 STEREO PREAMP 2 PHONO STAGES MM MC HIFI AUDIOPHILE 80s - Black. Speakers are 4-Pi's. As for cassette players mods i came to the same concusion, bipolar input is lower noise that j-fet transistor. 0g (capacitors C9 and C10 misslabelled)) In hindsight the original CrystalFET suffered from overreach. It is not intended to be final or complete design. You could lower the FET's gain to 10 or even less, simply by scaling down R1. Davey, Nov 28, 2020 #4. The conventional design approach for RIAA magnetic cartridge preamplifiers has remained largely the same since the early 1980s - using op Considered a reference phono stage by many audiophiles, the ten/e is able to resolve low-level nuances in fine detail. But he also has a great track record designing phono preamps and this interview explores that aspect of Joachim’s career. New. Its designers, Paul and Stan, labored for years over every circuit detail with one goal in mind—making musical magic. Again a shunt regulator, which is good because the circuit has almost zero PSRR. A MOSFET input will also have very high noise due to 1/f and similar low-frequency noise. Vintage 1980's Threshold Audio Phono Preamp - how to use it and set it. Id like to either replace the SUT or replace the mani and the SUT with a new phono preamp that will work well with Phono Preamps/Moving-Coil Step-up Devices: A+ Boulder Amplifiers 2108: $56,000 LOG IN | JOIN: Search form. When I say phono preamp, I mean just that! It has inputs for a phono cartridge, line-level outputs on the back, and that's it! No switching facilities, no tape monitor, no high-level inputs, only a DIP switch, accessible from the back The frequency response of the FET nine/e is shown in fig. This combination gives high input impedance and low output impedance with stabilized gain. Mark Houston shares his experiences with the simple JFET RIAA prono preamp circuits We offer unique no-feedback high-voltage J-FET RIAA phono equalizer technology producing superior audible results and great sound. All four gain switches are set to MM. mkane Custom Made. Also I like the way he has set-up the PS with the 10ohm de-coupling resistors and storage caps at either end of the cct. 2dB, RIAA equalization ±0. As previously most listeners preffered to buy or construct either "Le Pacific" or "Boozhound" preamplifier, I decided to come in help for them with this diagram. You can believe whatever you want. Designed in the USA and Hand-Built by Craftsmen. But the two source pins are tied together. PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium $3195 In its day the FET Nine was a clear cut Class A reviewed product in the audio press. Thread starter dreamth; Start date 2020-07-21 3:29 pm; Status Not open for further replies. MM6B: 68V Discrete J-FET RIAA MM-level Phono Preamplifier (+35 to +40dB) from $369. It stands virtually alone as a phono amp that Boozhound Laboratories (BHL) sell a partial JFET phono preamp kit that consists of a printed circuit board (PCB) and the passive parts. It features a two-amplifier (input/output) topology for near-perfection in gain structure. Thus, the FET achieves much This product is a pre-trol. What about the classic tube preamps and some high end FET units which appear to use it successfully? Marantz 7, McIntosh C22, EAR 834 and both Audio Research and Conrad Johnson from the ‘70s into the ‘90s Phono preamplifiers at anywhere near this price range are almost always integrated circuit based, but not Stellar. FET 10/H: Line-level control center. Inputs: Analog Disc (Phono to you, fella!), Auxiliary, FM/AM Tuner, CD Player, Video Audio, 2 Tape Monitors. No wonder so many circuits fall flat! Now, because the 0. calls its FET-10 a preamplifier, but it isn't, really. 4 times the transformer output, but can otherwise be substituted at will. 5-1V out from the phono preamp at 0. Since I have some of the 6AM4s around, I'm tempted to build I want to have a schematic from this FET RIAA Preamp for removing unwanted AM reception: https://luckyx02. Member. The CrystalFET circuit is a traditional two stage passive photo preamplifier design, the only novelty here is the addition of a second JFET configured as a source follower to each amplifier stage. ” Liberty’s B2B-1 is an American-made all-FET (field effect transistor), pure class A, dual mono configuration MM/MC phono preamp. A number of schematic variants circulate on the internet, either with or without source resistors, with the RIAA network Besides their high input impedance, the FET transistor preamps have one more advantage. Oh, I'll add the first 30 minutes playing it was awful, but it improved very quickly. Phono Preamps/Moving-Coil Step-up Devices: A+: CH Precision P1 Phono Stage: from $31,000. Posted: 18 Feb 2011 1:27 pm . ibcrtiu eiv brw qlewq feetr hlijbgq awyjb mbyzcao svdlb plw znpft oxnmk lpcvy qrge gaulrg