Eve online praxis any good Any help is appreciated Look into t3 cruisers, black glass implant, type in on google “loki eve online pve fit”. Get your Omega codes here. I have just over 3 million skill points and i am learning daily, and some isks I have also saved. The Gnosis is a very good ship to get, It has bonuses to most weapon types just like the Sunesis and Praxis. Support the site. Here's the fit I use to run Winter Nexus combat sites in Nullsec: [Praxis, Big mistake] Co-Processor II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II I’m looking for some advise on what BS skills to train next. Patreo I’d start with the c3 sites like people are saying. But when in doubt, report. I'm not afraid of tossing on a faction or blue module, but nothing too crazy. time. Have fun EVE Online Forums Best fits and ships for lvl 4 mission today. Time is around 12 min. The Praxis sucks on targeting range, it sucks on CPU, it has no missile velocity bonus, and it will be very good for an Alpha to lose very quickly. It can work as an PVE ratting ship with 1,2 DPS in cruise+sentries for cheap isk. Ishtar or Praxis. Creepy-Mechanic-1966 • praxis is known for being ok-ish at everything but not great at any of them. Vuhdo_Rin (Vuhdo Rin) October 14, 2023, 5:02pm 21. So are there good ships outside of Venture that allow for good mining. Good use of the Praxis! I know most people think the Praxis is a sub-tier Battleship, but I find it great for bashing structures like left-over wormhole towers or POCOs. However, i dont feel that the Praxis shoud be left out entirely. It Scout the system, look if there's any structures and anyone in them. Leila Meurtrier. Fighting mixed spawns of small and bigger ships is where turret boats can shine. If you want to spend very little, hype/praxis/moa also work, Grunt Kado has a ton of youtube videos on exactly this topic at a bunch of different price points. unwise. Go away because you do not have any base of PvP experience to talk from. [Praxis, T1 Praxis]Mark I Compact Power Diagnostic SystemVortex Compact #eveonline #eve #eveonlineships #eveonlinegameplay A favorite ship among many EVE players, the Praxis is a formidable vessel designed to dominate the battlef So far I had good succuess running highsec sites with a ~600 mil priced Loki. It can be made better for doing anomalies, but I kept it cheap as fuck and low-sp. Plenty of armor and drone BW, large mountsbut no real bonses. a praxis isnt pay to win oO where the hell did you get this ? Iceacid Frostpacker: in highsec. Get three of these cheap babies and you can dish out some serious damage against structures, There’s a particular set ‘delonewolf’ of videos out there which you’ll find by searching Youtube for ‘EVE Praxis’. Someone will come. Tons of t1 stuff sees a lot of use and is all pretty good. Personally I think most events should have these types of decisions built into them. I already have two hulls. I am new in Eve and i like this game. Yes, it is a bit cumbersome, but no strengths without weakening. I see every one getting hyped about the Praxis and waiting for the 15 anninv for it. I would like to fly this ship to The Praxis is a “good enough” ship (I’ve raised my “it’s a bit of a jack of all trades compared to more specialised masters” issues) - so a good Rapid Heavy Missile fit, with drones is probably a good start - especially as the heavy missiles apply better against small ships than, say, my large beam lasers would if everything got a Hello everyone, I made a built for praxis, which I will use on drone patrol maybe if it is possible horde. Most the fits I come up with are a little bling heavy, I may or may not bother using scout alt and want to pretty much take anything coming thru, win or loose. I am wondering if it is actually viable. In my opinion, and as a compromise, add 25mb of drone bandwidth. The Orcas are ran by players with 11 to 12 years in-game. I love this ship, it looks beautiful. With Faction ships are a lot more expensive so don't throw them around willy nilly. Praxis, having many mid/low slots, makes them useless The Praxisis a Jovian / Society of Conscious Thought battleship. Help me out, oh wise forum folks, yay or nay for Gnosis? < > EVE Online holds ESRB Teen and PEGI 12 ratings. The Praxis is the ultimate 'jack of all trades' b Praxis v T1 Amarr Battleship. Will ‘hardly’ fit any existing PVP concept. It can be fitted for all tank ways: active armor/shield, Can show pretty good performance in different PVE scenarios at his price. I fully Fit both ships and talk about both ships Pros and Cons. Fury’s have a large explosion The praxis is extremely tight on CPU, making it difficult to get the most out of it. Battleship – Praxis. I use a Praxis in my home C3, similar fit as yours but with more passive tank. /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships Controversial. You will die alot. Likes received: 917 as any good industrialist needs to be able to put up a defense. For example, An Apocalypse, a good mission battleship carries eight In conclusion, after using the Praxis in a couple of L4s, I was greatly unimpressed! I took it back to the station, and got a Raven to finish the last one. At this point, I have only trained up Marauder buff is more important, I don't think c4s where changed much recently. Ganking is, or is not, an important aspect to the game. And while you won't get as good bonuses you get a really strong 7/7/7 layout. A praxis and scout or remote rep drekavacs would be a good idea. I’m a bit confused on what racial battleship to move into. I’ve been running the high sec sites in an active shield Praxis (a variant on an Ash’s kitchen C3 fit). We usually deal with about 20 punishers so I want to make sure I can rank long enough for them to die. Praxis v T1 Amarr Battleship. We all know the rules. so i would like to use them if possible. Why Am I Not Surprised. Thanks for watching. Because you will die eventually. 18: 8482: Yes I use them for doing explo by parking them in various regions with high end relic sites. Praxis Ginimic. Just have like 2 heavy neuts in highs and they'll have to run away or die. If a praxis looks like a good ship because you lack racial skills, then you have low skills and should not be in a battleship. What ship and fit do i need to be able to roll medium sized wormholes? EVE Online Forums Rolling Medium Ratting with domis or rattles or really ishtars too. I can fly most battleships, I can fly a rattlesnake with t1/meta 4 guns and working for t2, and I can fly the loki perfectly which I use for pvp. Praxis could have decent tank and dps but not good for tackle. Looking online, there are many similar fits often recommended, all of them active tanked with a tonne of cap generation to fuel the shield booster + reduce the neut pressure. Leshaks are good in C5-6 wormholes (with spider tank or some Nestor's) and in NS combat sites (they are safer but not better than maruders). They are doing good damage and can shoot at very long ranges. I’d recommend you have enough isk to buy a few. Basically, the Praxis is a viable ship in many situations, but it gets Also realize you will lose your ship to PvP eventually. DeMichael_Crimson (DeMichael Crimson) June 2, 2018, 4:45pm 65. Let me know what can be done more. You won't get a fair fight when a Marauder is seen solo hacking an ESS. That is not the case at all. Ships like the Praxis that come from SoCT, are intended to be flown by virtually every race and very quickly; since they only require spaceship command 1. In conclusion, after using the Praxis in a couple of L4s, I was greatly unimpressed! I took it back to the station, and got a Raven to finish the last one. Better to fly something cheaper (Praxis is the cheaper option I think) and ensure you make a profit before you die. Alpha Praxis Friendly Fit with a lot of benefits - Low Cost, Low Skill Point Investment, Ability to run Havens/Hubs, Good ISK/Tick. I’m an explorer not really experienced with pve so I would be ok with spending a bit more to have a more fool proof ship. You should spread your fleet in 2 systems Praxis really is a good ship for the price, so versatile. ] Now even you can look cool while Mining with your friends. Everything takes a lot of time and dedication, so if you like grindy To any who previously dabbled in manufacturing and Blue Printology who may have had a High sec POS in the days when this was a near impossibility; take a stroll down blueprint alley, see how sparse the availability of this EVE essential has become. The Praxis does in fact better at the Winter event then the Raven. . You don't need a blingy tank at range and they can snipe frigate rats no problem if you warp to an anom at >= 70km range. ). What’s the highest-level combat anomalies that I can reliably run through in a Praxis? I’m going to be running anomalies mainly in Gallente space, so ideally I’d like suggestions for the Serpentis sites. Scan, probe and scout all WH connections, if the system next door is busy with hostiles, probably not a good idea to rat there. In-game ship-fitter shows Raven have higher missile DPS, but in playing with them the Raven does NOT outdamage the Praxis. Don't do the 3x ancil because that will only work if you're lucky enough to get a fair (ish) fight out of it. system1 (system) Closed July 11, 2020, 7:13pm I obviously didn’t do enough because when i brought my Praxis back from Amarr it wouldn’t fit through the hole. But should be doable for fleets. All content posted to the EVE Online forums must be teen rated. wtf only HS are allowed to have praxis ? oO /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships If you're good at multiboxing you can run nullsec incursions too, depending on spawn location and personal affiliation. I started out with a massive tank fit, almost 600k ehp. I see alot of gnosis used for EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. Hopefully solo. Of course Exactly what it says in the title. Eve is really thriving right now and a great uncontested game in its genre when it comes to why Omega, its mostly about maxing skills and getting T2 access, for me the Alpha Cap of 5M skillpoints sold it, but the game is still fun with just Alpha if you know right from the start what you want to specialize in, if you like shooting stuff as an example your first upgrade will propably be EVE Online Forums Praxis. Go to Eve r/Eve. Ganking is, or is not, an acceptable play style. TLDR: Running the Praxis in event sites got me thinking about how things are in EVE and I wanted to share those feelings. Reply reply CovenantGiven Any good resource suggestions? Resurrected Starships has good eve videos and there are tons of guides for various things on YouTube Reply reply Eve online is fun, but its also cruel, evil and soul crushing. I’ve seen a few rattlesnake fits, Battleships are strong enough to shoo away pretty much any solo cruiser. Ganking is, or is not, a core game play mechanic. Makyna (Makyna) praxis cruises+sentries/heavies and armor rep. I’m tinkering with ideas for solo losec gatecamps using cheapish special edition ships, and looking for fitting ideas. 1 Like. With Target Painters it will also apply good enough to delete elite frigs quickly. zKill I linked is out of pure boredom, but a decent yeet fit would be swapping the Missile Guidance computer for a large battery to help with the neuts that are definitely coming EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. Q&A. . What can you reasonably Praxis is good at everything. Frankly I can’t believe I am actually responding to someone who thinks the praxis is better than amarr ships in amarr space. The massive HP bonus conferred by plates on BS now makes damage mods Hi all, One of the most common combat pve ships I see in low class wormholes are the Praxis battleships, usually in C3s occasionally C2s. I created a single tab and from there copied and modified to make the other tabs. The praxis has a few notable downsides which stunt its popularity, but overall the main thing holding the praxis back is that T1 battleships are basically the worst class of ship in eve online, I like free things and want to use the freebie ships, but the Praxis seems like a really odd duck. → The Praxis has a utility high slot. You can make some good isk while you are waiting. New Citizens Q&A. The gnosis that a mate uses doubles as a truly terrifying PVP ship as well, often clears out small gangs of kiters solo. // instead fit a heavy neutralizer to (hopefully) cap out your target and stop it from activating prop mods and tank modules. only my cruise missiles are at 5 I cannot use heavy missiles. A total of 6. If you're hoping to run more than a couple of sites in this system, warp around the system and make safe spots in all directions. Hello, I just rejoined the game and I moved into a C3 wormhole. Right now I’m running level 4 missions in the Praxis. Iceacid Frostpacker: the ship insurance it set lower than a normally produced battleship. Marauder ! MWD ON, move to the gate. Oh and I've also seen sentry Eos fleets gate camping at range All skills that benefit turrets in general are a good choice for you when you fly turret based Minmatar ships. Even with the changes I sunesis good t1 hauler with cargo rigs/expanders easy over 2k space!!! gnosis same as above but can fit more mining lasers praxis same as above and even more mining lasers. Ellie_Stasarik (Ellie Stasarik) November 30, 2022, 11:13am 3. Posting all the things it has (7/7/7 layout, ect. Any help is most appreciated. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! The Praxis is a Society of Conscious Thought battleship. rest of slots can be drone nav, tracking So I’m looking for a good Praxis fit to run C3 combat sites and Lowsec combat sites. RHML Praxis (there's a shield or armour version, both will work for the FFS site at least) is really the only sensible budget option. Dunno if I should stick to active tank or if a shield Regen can be worked without sacrificing too much damage output. In addition to this, the EVE Online forums are not for discussion of real life current affairs, news, politics or religion. He was demonstrating fits with heavy missile launchers and 100mn is actually quite decent on gnosis, with lv4-5 relevant prop/cap skills, you can get 900-1k ms and be cap stable with just one battery. What makes the marauder buff so special is that these things are basically solo pwnmobiles, you need serious DPS to take one down and you can't just ewar it to death (especially since in wh space pilots are much more likely to be PvP literate), if you fight one even with a battleship gang your probably Even before Eve became f2p in 2016, t1 stuff was used all the time, and has consistently been parts of popular doctrines in big alliances as well - cormorants, talwars, caracals, vexors, ferox, drake, prophecy, hurricane, abaddon, megathron, rokh, raven, praxis, typhoon, you name it. 2 Likes. Handles everything but the Battleship rats, and even then it takes them some time to get through. If you do, then you got lucky lol. Buy 20 of these suckers and pop them all. They can be a lot of fun though as Guristas for example specialize in 2 drones with a huge bonus, SoE are exploration/utility ships and SoCT you can get I recently purchased the Apocalypse battleship for my Amarrian Princess. I'm still a newbie, despite the skillpoints. Let’s see if it brings anything new to the ganking discussion. It is also very versatile. Gallente Federation. I also park them in a praxis, with a heron in the escape bay in various c3s. Eve is a game of choice and consequences for your actions. I understand why the Praxis was left out of the battleship “buff”, it would be way over powered. It is your best chance of getting a one on one without getting blobbed. I don't want to keep changing presets or messing around with loading and unloading tabs so I limited myself to 6 tabs and tried to make them as all encompassing as I could. So first up, I did some research ahead of time for this article and am not happy at all with what I found. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Next time I play, I think a Gnosis will be a good intermediate step until I get a few more SP and can fly a faction Battlecruiser. I have received the cruiser Praxis. r/Eve /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships Members Online • Battleship_Praxis 4 fitting mods so you know it must be good! [Praxis, Simulated Praxis] Damage Control II Co-Processor II C3-X 'Hivaa Saitsuo' Welp, it’s 2023. Using good (not perfect) Abyssal plates and HG amulets, several BS will be capable of topping 1 million EHP. Clearing data/relic sites. I have seen worse. I went to look at fits a builds and I use this guy Aceface on YouTube among others. A lot depends on how you fight, but mobility is always good to have. There’s a particular set ‘delonewolf’ of Edit: I retract my AB opinion specifically in regards to the praxis because the praxis is just that slow. so try not to blow your Praxis to bits in Lowsec or wormhole mining. You can chain rock havens with 3 stormbringers + 1 smartbomb praxis X 2 fleets so yiu can use all your accounts. To OP: while I'd always suggest paying attention to the meta (the Ishtar fit for drones can be cheap AF and very successful), if you wanna go a different route don't sweat it. Jazmyn_Stone: Missile and shield ship? Now if you’re going to use this Praxis in L3s, they would be good, but a BS for L3s? And with a 35s reload time, that’s almost an eternity. You will still get blobbed - but less often. Even if you weren't solo EVE Online Forums Praxis. Drekavaks are good to run C3 sites and some event sites. 2 mil SP, and everything related to fit is on max for alphas. Look in Jita at the prices for components to make T2 items, Rigs for example. Any t3 would work for you just depends on the space your in/what you prefer. This is after I park my scout on the other side of the gate to watch for roaming people. Old. Get three of these cheap babies and you can dish out some Been thinking about getting either it or Caracal, since latter plays into my skill set better than any of the other cruisers (with Gnosis being a good fit as well). In virtually all cases the Amarr T1 battleship will out perform the Praxis. With t1 launchers. It’s [ Important Note: the only concern about this method of mining using a Praxis is that the insurance of the Praxis doesnt give you any ISK (5. PvP fit dominix can push them off quite easily. If not does anyone have a fit 50-75 mill alpha friendly that would be nice. BTW I saw plenty of Sunesis and Gnosis for sale (via the EVE Market Helper site) , but no BP’s - now explained by your post. I’d suggest starting out here: EVE-Survival: WormholeSpaceClass3 Maybe even consider dropping down to C2 sites to start with, but eve survival is great for listing triggers and make-up of the ships you’ll be facing in each site. It hurts less when you have money to buy another hull. A praxis with a t2 AB is merely on par with the orbit speed of these rats. [Praxis, **Praxis] Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Co-Processor II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Damage EVE Online Forums Praxis. The I know most people think the Praxis is a sub-tier Battleship, but I find it great for bashing structures like left-over wormhole towers or POCOs. The learning curve is insane and you require a ton of patience to play and get into the game. I can fly any battleship but specialize in caldari. I’m using, and have decent skills in, cruise missiles and shield tanking. Short stats, in-game ship-fitter stats: Praxis DPS 932 (640/292), 38907 ehp, 94 m/s, cap stable My corporation is currently engaged in faction warfare and we are usually fighting a bunch of punishers and I was wondering what the best battleship for smartbombing them outside the activation gate. I’ve come up with the following fit since it has a MJD and an afterburner to help quickly get out of dodge if something pops up on d-scan. So basically any normal combat anom actually. But dropping 40+ mils on something that is a gank magnet due to being, you know, limited edition thing seems. MWD OFF, STOP SHIP, bastion ON. Then again you probably never leave High Sec to begin with. I’m having difficulty coming up with a fit to run solo c3 combat sites (living in a pulsar). Vedmak can do some LS/HS I made a Praxis that I have used, then wanted to try out a Raven to compare it. David Toviyah. But it’s very good alpha clone, 5. For example, An Apocalypse, a good mission battleship carries eight turrets to the Praxis’ six - OK, the Praxis gets drone and missile benefits and a couple of missile slots, but that’s a couple more weapon systems to train. I can’t find any battleship that really fits my skills that would be an upgrade to the Praxis. any pay to win. The PVE fit you linked is wasting it with a drone link aug. When you reach cruisers, having drones trained to V to use a full fligth of lights is a good thing to have - on almost any ship. The Scope. But what can you possibly do with a battleship with only 1,500MW powergrid?!? Taking into account that the smallest power grid on any other tech 1 battle ship is at the lowest 9,000MW. especially with warp-ins and such. I like Gallente droneships too, so that 50% drone HP & damage bonus looks good . It's hard to get a good enough tank on a T1 battleship, and they're more expensive than a Praxis anyway. On top of that, it has no tank bonuses, making it inferior in many cases to ships that do. It can take out the small Also i would be very thankful for any kind of c3 ratting strategy/target priority list/other tips and tricks. My fit is as follows: Praxis High slots Small Graviton smartbomb 6x Dual Heavy Pulse Laser I, each loaded with a Multifrequency focusing Some folks have a loki fit that lets you use combat probes to watch for recons on the outside without a dualboxed pair of eyes, but i don't know whether that fit works well. Ignoring the fact that the rats also have prop mods and can all 650mil praxis and clone around 180mil, 3% and 4% shield and missiles chips. He stood out above the rest, I noticed he had done a gimmick hello i make level 4 missions from long time and i use navy drake is really good but i make misions slow i looking for advice i cant make good fit on my raven can you recommend me fit for raven for missions for alfa clone [Raven, Onzo otama’s Raven] Drone Damage Amplifier II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Power Good change of pace from missions or abyss. So to conclude : With 5 Almost every single one of the Praxis toons were created on the same date and are in the same NPC corp. Go to a active system, sit inside a novice and wait. Without amulets, you can still top 650k EHP. One misconception I have noticed is that people seem to think the Special Edition ships like the Praxis are supposed to be “better” or “good”. Faction sentries are expensive but are about as good as T2 and way easier to skill into. o7. Keep it civil. They may be friendly or hostile, but in lowsec (and nullsec), all neutrals are assumed to be hostile as they can engage you without CONCORD intervention. PvE Ships & Modules. system1 (system) Closed December 7, 2021, 2:13pm 3. It doesn’t need any battleship skills to fly it and it gets bonus for nearly every weapon type. for one site. I used to run C3's with a couple of RR Domi's. -Jaz In praxis, there is quite a lot of things you can do with a Praxis. But recently, I have started to see that many ships require Omega, which i am not ready to pay right now. I've been blown up with a full cargo worth 4mil of golden omber (Good learning experience). I found a fit on eve workbench for c3/c4 Gnosis fit. It can work as smartbomb ship. Anderson_Geten (Anderson Geten) May 8, 2018, 9:49pm 21. The Praxis is neither, and among the battleships, I think the Praxis also has the poorest sensors, which means you need Signal Amplifiers or The CPU on the Praxis is where I keep hanging up, particularly the mids (tank). I’m looking for a fitting that you can afford as a beginner. Likes received: 111 #6 - 2015-12-27 19:09:49 UTC 2 Jace Varus wrote: This Video is a Comparison of the Praxis Vs, Golem in Eve Online. Raven, Typhoon and their improved versions along with Praxis are ships that can utilize cruise missiles very well. PvE Gameplay Center. If you are a new player, Neutrals are people who you’ve not set a standing to (so they appear in local list without a marker). This was when they were 300M fit and had a ridiculous insurance payment that covered a 3rd of the ship, was running sites in 8 Once you can pilot a Golem it doesn’t matter much anymore. This is basically a "budget" Rattlesnake. Here's a basic fit that works on alpha chars. The Praxis is not a good mining ship against Sansha Incursion belt rats though. University of Caille Hi there guys. And a place to merge the inevitable and countless ganking offshoot conversations that crop up. Like the other SoCT ships, it does not require any skill training to fly, and is not constructed or bought; Praxes are freely distributed to the players in celebration of significant events like EVE Online's birthday. That is ok. Jenne_Wain: Praxis Low Budget Fitting for a Noob like me. Their range is something you can use in PvP too although not common as usually you want to go short range so the target doesn’t run. Good luck. On third way max shield lost [Praxis, C3 Tinker RHML XLSB 3CT] Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier Ballistic Control System II Co-Processor II Co-Processor II Damage Control II X-Large C5-L Compact Shield Booster [1] Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Copasetic Compact Shield Boost Amplifier Copasetic The Praxis is much more capable than a Venture in mining. Praxis and gnosis can also be fit to work great. I jump there and align to my pos. I quickly realized that it wasn't doing me any good because of how I play. you'll want a Vexor later on, they're pretty good for most everything. You will be a huge target solo in a Rattlesnake. So i just started EVE, and I'm mining for now to get loaded on Isk. The primary problem with rails is that their “effective” combat range is about the end of their “optimal” with long range ammunitions, unless your ship is bonused for either tracking (Megathron, Talos) or optimal (Rokh, Naga). I wouldn’t dual box two sites at once with like two praxi or anything until you know which sites are harder to manage and which ones you can do easily. If you haven't heard of it, search for "The Magic 14". If your CPU is a problem, take off the drone Support the site. Hope it helps you earn dank isk [EVE Online - Easy Solo Triglavian Hunting in Golem (150mil/h+)] Same as above. I started from the default eve overview. This topic was Your fit: [Loki, Loki - Shield AB HAM ootoby97] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Republic Fleet 10MN Afterburner Pith X-Type Large Shield Booster Dark Blood Cap Recharger Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Thukker . EVE Online Forums Gnosis worth getting? PvE Gameplay Center. [Praxis,Praxis - Hybrid armor] Large Armor Repairer II Multispectrum Energized Membrane II Damage Control II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic You are ultimately better off flying 4x L3 missions in an hour than 1x L4. HAM gnosis is pretty pretty NEVER FIT TORPEDOES to Almost any Praxis fit can clear gas sites that aren't Vitals/Instrumentals. Matter of fact your last activity for PvP was in 2015. 00 ISK at the most) if it blows up. It does much better. You can shield & armortank it, you get Omni resists, so it's really hard to find out how it is fitted in Space. I have a pos in the system and my own warp-ins to all the belts I mine. srcaxv pcrhu mrvjzh tsckg qtfm tkgion muolr wtn zzsdgv lmq iamsgr vzqg rsgdd fznzuk tnpdb