Dimethyl sulfate poisoning. 13 Ip M, Wong KL, Wong KF, et al.
Dimethyl sulfate poisoning La première est liée au débordement acci-dentel d’une cuve de stockage dans une usine pharmaceutique: l’exposition aux vapeurs n’a pas duré plus de cinq minutes. Me 2 SO 4 is a colourless oily liquid with a slight onion-like odour. Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a drug widely used as a pharmaceutical and synthetic raw material. Author R W HASWELL. 3 Possibility of hazardous reactions. (3,4) Dimethyl sulfate has a faint, onion-like odor; the odor threshold has not been established. The first case followed accidental spilling from a tank in a pharmaceutical plant; the We report nine cases of varying degrees of inhalational exposure to DMS, occurring as a result of a single chemical spillage incident in the United Kingdom. On the other hand, it is highly toxic and requires management and treatment as a hazardous Dimethyl ester of sulfuric acid, Dimethylsulfate, Methyl sulfate. Severe dermal burns may be seen. Industrial poisoning is surprisingly Ocular exposures: Dimethyl sulfate in both the liquid and vapor forms can be corrosive. All three patients were brought to our hospital, a tertiary emergency medical Nursing of serious dimethyl sulfate poisoning 重度硫酸二甲酯中毒的抢救护理; Treatment and experience of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning 硫酸二甲酯急性中毒的救治与体会; Nursing experience about one case of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning 急性硫酸二甲酯中毒1例护理体会 Dimethyl sulfate poisoning by inhalation. Epub 2019 Jan 24. Eye, upper respiratory tract has a strong stimulating effect on the skin has a strong corrosive effect. Dimethyl sulfate is a colorless oily liquid, odorless to a faint onion-like odor. To facilitate clinical evaluation and treatment, as well as identification of capacity for physical labor, a grading system was established according to the history of exposure to DMS, symptoms and signs of respiratory mucosal irritation, findings on chest radiographs, and Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a drug widely used as a pharmaceutical and synthetic raw material. As the dimethyl ester of sulfuric acid. It can be readily absorbed leading to poisoning or death Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a drug widely used as a pharmaceutical and synthetic raw material. Subsequent incubation with piperidine results in strand cleavage. Sign In Create Free Account. Dimethyl Sulfate is CORROSIVE and contact can severely irritate and burn the eyes leading to damage with loss of vision. Nursing of serious dimethyl sulfate poisoning 重度硫酸二甲酯中毒的抢救护理; Treatment and experience of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning 硫酸二甲酯急性中毒的救治与体会; Nursing experience about one case of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning 急性硫酸二甲酯中毒1例护理体会 Deux observations d’intoxication aiguë par le sulfate de diméthyle chez de s travailleurs de 54 et 55 ans sont rapportées. US EN. Exposure to DMS primarily happens in the workplace via inhalational contact and damages the upper and lower airways. (4) The vapor pressure for dimethyl sulfate is 0. 1960 Sep;2:454-5. 1 Reactivity. INTRODUCTION. MeSH terms dimethyl sulfate Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. Dimethyl sulfate causes blistering and ulceration of the skin. Cart 0. " by E. [Article in German] Author H J TREDT. By using the site you are agreeing to this as outlined in our privacy notice and cookie policy. Lung injury in dimethyl sulfate poisoning. 12 Met Office data. Toxicity is manifested initially by mucosal inflammation of eyes, nose, oropharynx, and airways. A case of a 50-year-old Chinese man who died accidentally from DMS poisoning after he broke a plastic storage tank full of DMS during transportation, including some clinical data and autopsy information, and a retrospective study of 8 similar cases of D MS poisoning in literature in China. As the diester of methanol and sulfuric acid, its formula is often written as (CH 3) 2 SO 4 or Me 2 SO 4, where CH 3 or Me is methyl. Dans la seconde, c’est la découpe d’une canalisation dans une fabrique de produits Request PDF | On Mar 1, 2007, Jin-zhou Bi and others published [Clinical observation and treatment of acute severe dimethyl sulfate poisoning] | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Dimethyl Sulfate (DMS) is page intentionally le blank. Substance: Dimethyl sulfate (Methyl sulfate; DMS) CAS 77-78-1 . This website requires cookies, and the limited processing of your personal data in order to function. 803071. Industrial poisoning is surprisingly rare and there are few previous reports in the literature Properties Chemical. -q. Scott Dotson DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Institute for Occupational Nursing of serious dimethyl sulfate poisoning 重度硫酸二甲酯中毒的抢救护理; Treatment and experience of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning 硫酸二甲酯急性中毒的救治与体会; Nursing experience about one case of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning 急性硫酸二甲酯中毒1例护理体会 Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a highly toxic chemical that appears innocuous and is commonly used as a methylating agent in industry. -h. 11 IARC. BARBIN, A. Dimethyl sulfate is used primarily as a methylating agent to convert compounds such as phenols, amines, and thiols to the corresponding methyl derivatives. If methanol poisoning is suspected, the serum methanol level can be determined and metabolic acidosis corrected with sodium bicarbonate. MODERATE, WHEN EXPOSED TO HEAT OR FLAME. [Article in Chinese] Authors Su-quan Fang, Qing-hua Shen-Tu. PMID: 13712202 No abstract available. Roche, L. Me 2 SO 4 is mainly used as a methylating agent in organic synthesis. Naomi L. Reference Dose for Oral Exposure (RfD) (PDF) (10 pp, 100 K) Last Updated: Not assessed under the IRIS Program. Drake PL, Hazelwood KJ. Product Name Dimethyl Sulphate; CAS-No 77-78-1; EC no 201-058-1; Product Code D070; Issue date 23. Order Lookup. Dimethyl sulfate poisoning by inhalation J Occup Med. 2006: An accident of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi 24(4): 256 Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a drug widely used as a pharmaceutical and synthetic raw material. Colorless, oily liquid with a faint, onion-like odor. Eyes, skins and respiratory tract can be injured after DMS exposure [1]. Ann Occup Hyg, 49(7):575-585 Semantic Scholar extracted view of "[Dimethyl sulfate poisoning]. This can progress to severe airway oedema and necrosis, and non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema. Semantic Scholar's Logo. Physical Properties: Colorless, oily liquid bp 189 °C, mp -32 °C Soluble in water (2. 1962: Group poisoning by dimethyl sulfate Archives des Maladies Professionnelles de Medecine du Travail et de Securite Sociale 23: 391-393 Fang, S. Search 220,944,516 papers from all fields of science. 5 mg/m 3) TWA [skin] 1993-1994 ACGIH TLV: 0. Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. It can be readily absorbed leading to poisoning or death through the skin or mucous membranes of the respiratory tract in the process of production or transportation. Severe ocular burns have been reported, as well as color vision defects. 2 Chemical stability. Dimethyl Sulfate (DMS) is page intentionally le blank. 1980 Nov:(11):55-7. Dans la seconde, c’est la découpe d’une canalisation dans une fabrique de produits Dimethyl sulfate CASRN 77-78-1 | DTXSID5024055 IRIS Summary (PDF) (10 pp, 100 K) Key IRIS Values; Other EPA Information; Noncancer Assessment. M. Me 2 SO 4 is mainly used as a methylating agent in organic synthesis. The CLP Regulation makes sure that the hazards presented by chemicals are clearly communicated to Dimethyl sulfate for synthesis; CAS Number: 77-78-1; Synonyms: Dimethyl sulfate,Sulfuric acid dimethyl ester at Sigma-Aldrich Skip to Content. Dimethyl sulfate is a colorless oily liquid with a slight onion-like odor (although smelling it would represent significant exposure). HASWELL RW. J Occup Med 1989;31(2):141–3. no data available. at or above 140°F and below 200°F. ; Paliard, P. CDC - NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards - Dimethyl sulfate Skip directly to site content Skip directly to page options Skip directly to A-Z link Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a drug widely used as a pharmaceutical and synthetic raw material. PMID: 16701049 No Two manual laborers were exposed to dimethyl sulfate during work and sustained mucosal injury to the eyes and respiratory tract and one patient developed persistent productive cough with no evidence of bronchiectasis or bronchial hyperreactivity. ; Shen-Tu, Q. Pure DIMETHYL SULFATE and concentrated aqueous ammonia react extremely violently with one another, as is the case for tertiary organic bases, [NFPA 491M, The sulfate anion, a hydrolysis product of dimethyl sulfate, was measured at an appreciably elevated concentration in Ramirez' blood. Journal of Occupational medicine. 13 Ip M, Wong KL, Wong KF, et al. It is soluble in water, ether, dioxane, acetone, benzene, and other aromatic hydrocarbons, miscible with ethanol, and sparingly soluble in carbon disulfide. Vapor Density: [Pathogenesis of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning (an experimental study)] [Pathogenesis of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning (an experimental study)] Gig Tr Prof Zabol. J Occup Med, 31(2):141-143, 01 Feb 1989 Cited by: 2 articles | PMID: 2709164. In one of them, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema occurred and improved with high-dose methylprednisolone. For a substantial proportion of the toxicological studies considered in this monograph, there is uncertainty about the presence and level of this impurity in the pyraclostrobin used, although the studies of mutagenicity were performed with material known to contain dimethyl sulfate at 1 mg/kg of feed. 1964 Sep 1:58:984. AVOID CONTACT WITH LIQUID. Accidental exposure to dimethyl sulphate 879 www. Products. It is also used as a Dimethyl sulfate-13C2 99 atom % 13C; CAS Number: 286013-18-1; Synonyms: Dimethyl-13C2 sulfate,Methyl-13C2 sulfate,Sulfuric acid dimethyl ester-13C2; Linear Formula: (13CH3O)2SO2 at Sigma-Aldrich Uses of Dimethyl sulfate Oct 12, 2021. 标准状态下,硫酸二甲酯为无色油状液体,带有轻微的葱头气味。它与所有的强烷基化试剂类似,具高毒性,皮肤接触或吸入均有 Occup Environ Med 2004;61(1):73–5. In 用dimethyl sulfate造句和"dimethyl sulfate"的例句: 1. 5 mg/m 3) TWA [skin]; NIOSH considers dimethyl sulfate to be a potential occupational carcinogen as defined by the OSHA carcinogen policy [29 CFR 1990]. Keep people away. (1,4) Conversion Factors: Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a chemical compound with formula (CH 3 O) 2 SO 2. MeSH terms Administration, Inhalation* Sulfates / toxicity* Sulfuric Acid Esters Two cases of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning in 54- and 55-year old workers respectively are described. Prof. Although there are some articles on treatment for DMS poisoning, Deux observations d’intoxication aiguë par le sulfate de diméthyle chez de s travailleurs de 54 et 55 ans sont rapportées. This document evaluates the risks to human We report nine cases of varying degrees of inhalational exposure to DMS, occurring as a result of a single chemical spillage incident in the United Kingdom. IARC Monograph Eval Carcinog Risks Hum 1999;71:575–89. 032. Exposure-related health effects of silver and silver compounds: a review. Wear goggles, self-contained breathing apparatus, and rubber overclothing (including gloves). Deux observations d’intoxication aiguë par le sulfate de diméthyle chez de s travailleurs de 54 et 55 ans sont rapportées. Odor: Almost odorless . Dimethyl sulfate is the dimethyl ester of sulfuric acid, which exists at room temperature as a colorless, oily liquid with a faint onion-like odor. Our manuscript reports a case of DMS-related reactive airway dysfunction syndr DIMETHYL SULFATE: ICSC: 0148 (November 2008) Sulfuric acid dimethyl ester Dimethyl monosulfate DMS: CAS #: 77-78-1: UN #: 1595 EC Number: 201-058-1 ACUTE HAZARDS PREVENTION FIRE FIGHTING; FIRE & EXPLOSION: Combustible. Nursing of serious dimethyl sulfate poisoning重度硫酸二甲酯中毒的搶救護理 2. It can be readily absorbed leading to poisoning or death through the skin or mucous membranes of the respiratory tract in the 硫酸二甲酯可用于有机磷杀虫剂、其他杀菌剂、其他除草剂等农药合成等。因为硫酸二甲酯作为一种重要的烷基化剂,在有机合成中常用于代替卤代烃作为甲基化试剂,进行 o-甲基化反应和 n-甲基化反应,可以用于诸如农药 甲胺磷 、 乙酰 Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a highly toxic chemical that appears innocuous and is commonly used as a methylating agent in industry. dimethyl sulfate poisoning中文意思::硫酸二甲酯中毒,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋dimethyl sulfate poisoning的中文翻譯,dimethyl sulfate poisoning的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。 Keywords: Dimethyl sulfate, reactive airway dysfunction syndrome, poisoning, vapor exposure. ” (In Russian) Gig. Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu. A mass outbreak of chemical burns resulting from DMS poisoning occurred at a drug factory. Short-term toxicity [repeated-dose] 10. In cases of industrial poisoning, workers experienced burning eyes first and then respiratory symptoms, including irritation of the nose and throat, chest pain, cough, and dyspnea. . (1989). Products Applications Services Documents Support. com “Pathogenesis of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning (an experimental study). Class IIIA Combustible Liquid: Fl. Immediate effects of vapor Overall evaluation: Dimethyl sulfate is probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A). We Acute exposure of dimethyl sulfate to the skin of rabbits resulted in severe edema and necrosis whereas it was reported to be extremely irritating and cause corneal damage in an eye irritation test using rabbits (BASF 1968). All Photos (1) Key Documents. Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (651K), or click on a page image below to browse page by page. Dimethyl sulfate is a chemical compound with formula (CH 3 O) 2 SO 2. ” "dimethyl sulfate poisoning" 在迈迪英汉词典的中的解释,配以例句、近义词、构词法等信息,让母语和外语学习都变得更容易。 Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a highly toxic chemical that appears innocuous and is commonly used as a methylating agent in industry. : Official Publication of the Industrial Medical Association 硫酸二甲酯(dms)是一个有机化合物,分子式写为(ch 3 o) 2 so 2 、(ch 3) 2 so 4 或me 2 so 4 ,可看作硫酸的二甲基 酯。 在有机合成中主要用作甲基化试剂。. An accidental exposure to dimethyl sulfate. Other systemic effects include convulsions, delirium, coma, and renal, hepatic, and Toxicity is manifested initially by mucosal inflammation of eyes, nose, oropharynx, and airways. Ip M, Wong KL, Wong KF, So SY. On the other hand, it is highly toxic and requires management and treatment as a hazardous substance. 2019 Aug;57(8):748-749. Like all strong alkylating agents, Me 2 Dimethyl ester of sulfuric acid, Dimethylsulfate, Methyl sulfate Colorless, oily liquid with a faint, onion-like odor. Air Pollutants, Occupational / poisoning* Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) (11), the Maxam–Gilbert “G reaction” reagent, methylates the N-7 position of guanine. (CH 3 O) 2 SO 2 + 2 H 2 O → H 2 SO 3 + 2 CH 3 OH Physical. Dimethyl sulfate is a colorless, oily liquid that is slightly soluble in water. 07 Lung injury in dimethyl sulfate poisoning. 5 mm Hg at 20 °C, and it has a log octanol/water partition coefficient (log K ow) of 0. What is Dimethyl sulfate? Sep 6, 2021. Dimethyl sulfate, an oily liquid used extensively as an alkylating agent, is highly toxic for man, with particularly acute effects on the respiratory tract. It may also be used in combination with dimethylformamide (DMF) to form methoxy-methylene-N,N-dimethyliminium salt, that can be utilized for the preparation of β-lactams. doi: 10. 2006 Apr;24(4):256. Dimethyl Sulphate. Quick Order. 1547827. Gives off irritating or toxic fumes (or gases) in a fire. The first case followed accidental spilling from a tank in a pharmaceutical plant; the DIMETHYL SULFATE. One such case of poisoning due to dimethyl sulphate is described. Poisoning by dimethyl sulfate (clinical and bibliographic study). It is used in the manufacture of dyes, pharmaceuticals and perfumes and in the extraction of aromatic hydrocarbons as a solvent. Introduction. Although there are some articles on treatment for DMS poisoning, reports of This paper analyzed the clinical data of 17 patients with inhalation dimethyl sulfate poisoning in Changzhou Third People's Hospital, in order to understand the clinical characteristics, treatment and prognosis of patients with inhalation dimethyl sulfate poisoning, and guide clinicians to make effe Dimethyl sulfate is also used in the methylation of sulfur-containing compounds to synthesize sulfides and sulfonium ions. Zabol. Dans la seconde, c’est la découpe d’une canalisation dans une fabrique de produits Hazard classification and labelling. 10. HANDLE WITH EXTREME CAUTION. DMS can also be used for “alkylation interference” studies, 195 in which limited DMS modification of DNA is followed by the separation of molecules that can still form complexes from those that cannot. 1 ppm (0. It can also be used as a reagent: For the preparation of quaternary ammonium acrylic monomer as a potent antibacterial agent by the quaternization of 2-dimethylamino ethyl methacrylate. Dimethyl sulfate is a highly toxic class, similar to the role of mustard, acute toxicity similar to phosgene, 15 times greater than chlorine. COA/COQ; 803071 Dimethyl sulfate may be used along with alumina for preparation of monomethylated derivatives of alcohols, phenols and carboxylic acids. and perhaps provide new insight for any future research that could further explain this reported occurrence of toxic exposure. “Nucleophilic selectivity as a determinant of carcinogenic potency (TD50) in rodents: a comparison of mono- and bifunctional alkylating agents and vinyl chloride metabolites. Whyte Chemicals Limited Safety Data Sheet. Uses of the Chemical The major use of dimethyl sulfate is as an alkylating agent. Headache and giddiness are early signs of acute exposure which may be followed by changes in vision, lacrimation (tearing), photophobia, cough, . P. ” Through this electronic database search, 8 death reports of cases of DMS poisoning have been retrieved from 1977 to 2022, of which 5 were clinical case reports without autopsy. Contact can irritate and burn the skin with itching and blisters. , and BARTSCH, H. Hudson and G. Stable at room temperature. Health standard for dimethyl sulfate in the air of workplace車間空氣中硫酸二甲酯衛生標準 點擊查看更多dimethyl sulfate的造句 Dimethyl Sulfate | (CH3O)2SO2 or C2H6O4S | CID 6497 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, In cases of industrial poisoning, workers experienced burning eyes first and then Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is an oily liquid used as a solvent, stabilizer, sulfonation agent, and catalyst. An accidental exposure to dimethyl sulfate Clin Toxicol (Phila). Call fire department. The ‘Hazard classification and labelling’ section shows the hazards of a substance through a standardised system of statements and pictograms, as has been established under CLP (Classification Labelling and Packaging) Regulation. All three patients were brought to our hospital, a tertiary emergency medical facility, Full text. 8 g/100 mL at 20 °C); reacts slowly with water to form sulfuric acid and methanol . Two manual laborers were exposed to dimethyl sulfate during work and sustained mucosal injury to the eyes and respiratory tract. Methyl sulfate Evacuate. DIMETHYL SULFATE DSF CAUTIONARY RESPONSE INFORMATION Common Synonyms Liquid Colorless Mild onion odor Sinks and mixes slowly with water. Bartalini et al. Under standard conditions, Me 2 SO 4 is a colourless oily liquid with a slight onion-like odour (although Signs and Symptoms of Dimethyl Sulfate Exposure: Dimethyl sulfate is irritating to the eyes, skin, mucous membranes, and respiratory tract. Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is an alkylating agent widely used as a pharmaceutical and synthetic raw material. Two poisoning cases happened in an accident and were reported combinedly. 2018. Dear Editor Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is an oily, colorless liquid with a slight onion odor. A mass outbreak of chemical burns resulting from DMS poisoning occurred at Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. 1080/15563650. Article: Pathogenesis of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning (an experimental study) Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniya (11): 55-57 Pathogenesis of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning (an experimental study) Dimethyl sulfate poisoning by inhalation. In making the overall evaluation, the Working Group took into consideration that dimethyl Two manual laborers were exposed to dimethyl sulfate during work and sustained mucosal injury to the eyes and respiratory tract. Inhaling Dimethyl Sulfate can irritate the nose and throat. Sixty-two cases of accidental acute intoxication from the inhalation of dimethyl sulfate (DMS) are reported. An unusual set of chemical reactions arising from failed efforts to save the life of the 31-year-old woman, Gloria Ramirez, may have turned the potent solvent dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO, into Dimethyl Sulphate CAS No 77-78-1 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SDS/MSDS SECTION 1: IARC: 2A - Group 2A: Probablycarcinogenic to humans (Dimethyl sulphate) Reproductive toxicity No data available Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure No data available Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure No data available According to the manifestations, chest X-ray and ABG, all patients were intravenously dripped with dexamethasone 10–40mg/d for 3–7 days and fully recovered and were discharged after 5–30 days. Scott Dotson DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH Skin Notation (SK) Profile Dimethyl Sulfate (DMS) CAS number: 77–78–1 NIOSH REL: 0. Its formula is often written as (CH 3) 2 SO 4 or even Me 2 SO 4; where CH 3 or Me is methyl. This can progress to severe airway oedema Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a highly toxic chemical that appears innocuous and is commonly used as a methylating agent in industry. 24:55–57. Stability and reactivity 10. All three patients were brought to our hospital, a tertiary emergency medical facility, Two cases of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning in 54- and 55-year old workers respectively are described. 52 mg/m 3) TWA [skin], A2 Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a drug widely used as a pharmaceutical and synthetic raw material. Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a highly toxic chemical that appears innocuous and is commonly As dimethyl sulfate can be metabolized to methanol, there is the theoretical possibility of superadded methanol poisoning, although this has never been reported in human poisoning cases. [Article in Russian] Authors Iu D Batsura, A A Kasparov, G Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a highly toxic chemical that appears innocuous and is commonly used as a methylating agent in industry. emjonline. ; Robert, J. Reference Concentration 分子式: CAS号: 性质:硫酸二甲酯属高毒类。对黏膜和皮肤有强烈的刺激作用。短期内大量接触,初始仅有眼和上呼吸道刺激症状,经数小时至24h,刺激症状加重,可有结膜充血、眼睑水肿或痉挛、咳嗽、胸闷、气急、紫绀、喉头水肿或支气管黏膜脱落,以致窒息、肺水肿、成人呼吸窘 [An accident of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning] [An accident of acute dimethyl sulfate poisoning] Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi. All three pati words “Dimethyl sulfate,” “autopsy,” “poison,” and “death. It is very toxic by inhalation. Formula (CH 3) 2 SO 4. FitzRoy Rd, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3PB, United Kingdom. PMID: 14339577 No abstract available. Dimethyl sulphate is preferred by the industry because of its low cost and high (IRIS) on Dimethyl Sulfate (CASRN 77-78-1) [8]. Tr. Login. On follow-up for 10 months, this patient developed persistent produ Dimethyl sulfate (also known as dimethyl ester) is a clear, colorless, oily liquid with a faint onion-like odor. Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Dans la seconde, c’est la découpe d’une canalisation dans une fabrique de produits [DIMETHYLSULFATE POISONING] [DIMETHYLSULFATE POISONING] [DIMETHYLSULFATE POISONING] Z Arztl Fortbild (Jena). SafetyLit is produced by the SafetyLit Foundation in cooperation with San Diego State University and the World Health Organization. Dimethyl Sulfate is a CARCINOGEN, MUTAGEN, and may be a TERATOGEN. Dimethyl sulfate reacts exothermically with water, to give sulfuric acid and methanol. Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is a colorless, onion-like odorous oily liquid used as a methylation agent in organic synthesis. Dimethyl sulfate is both mutagenic and carcinogenic. Search. Keywords: dimethyl sulfate, poisoning, chemical burns, airway emergency, mass outbreak. Current OSHA PEL: 1 ppm (5 mg/m 3) TWA [skin] 1989 OSHA PEL: 0. pgmwfopkfxsayfawzxhhzfzxxxblhhmonqwmtajcglkngwirdanugjvpnpfxnysiiulltan