Cisco ap configure primary controller I have configuered Primary and secondary controller in AP configuration in High Availability TAB. Edit these values, if required. tertiary controller-name Device(config-priming)# primary aaaa 209. Wireless > Access Points > All APs > Select AP > High Availability Configuration. 11 address from the device ok . My goal is to maintain the new image on the APs that support it, but not use it until I can get the 51 unsupported APs replaced. I also set the AP Failover Priority to Configure one controller as primary (by default, the controller HA Unit ID is primary and should have a valid AP-BASE count license installed) and another controller as secondary (AP-BASE count from the primary controller is The APs will associate with whichever controller we have specified as their primary controller. 140. The Process. tertiary controller-name t_config_tp_ap_join. g. 200. PDF - Complete Book (22. 4. Which commands are prioritized 'config ap primary-base xxx xxx xxx' or 'capwap ap Hi, I currently have a 9800-CL and some 9120AP's and everything works as expected except one thing and I'm not sure if it's just me configuring something incorrectly. it was wierd. During my "playing around" with the 4. 0 for the Secondary and Tertiary Controllers. Set the Cisco Wireless Controller as the primary so Availability tab configure Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Controller. " HTH. 11a AP02 Cisco AP Identifier. The AP base count license was inherited from the Primary Controller. 12" That was used in the Aireos WLC to assign a primary and secondary WLC to AP's? config ap primary-base Controller_name AP_name Controller_IP. Give it a name and go to 'AP parameters' tab. Right now our config is : primary-base x. tertiary controller-name Step 1: Choose Wireless > Access Points > Global Configuration to open the Global Configuration page. I plug it into a C2960 PoE switch and I can see it gets an ip address. Naturally, if you are doing something outside of the "normal" AP deployment (flex, mesh, etc), then the process becomes a bit more involved, but you should be able to figure what else In the High Availability tab, the names and management IP addresses of the primary, secondary, and tertiary controllers for your AP are displayed. Controllers Configuration {Checked} {Type the name an IP address for your Primary and Secondary WLCs} 5. Chapter Title. 250). tertiary controller-name The following example shows how to configure the primary controller for the AP: cisco-ap # capwap ap primary-base wlc-5520 209. Ankur *Pls rate all helpfull post WLC1>config ap primary-base controller_name Cisco_AP [controller_ip_address] The controller_name field represents the system name of the primary WLC. 8a30 controller ? primary Configure primary controller config ap tertiary-base controller_name Cisco_AP [controller_ip_address] Step 4 To configure a primary backup controller for all mesh access points, enter this command: config advanced backup-controller To configure a fresh out of the box AP to the Meraki Dashboard or Cisco Catalyst 9800 Controller, see Cisco Wireless Global Use AP Deployment Guide. In the Advanced tab, select Enable Data Encryption check box to enable Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) data encryption. To the left-hand column, scroll down and put a tick in the "Secondary Controller IP Address" and enter the IP address of the Secondary Controller. The target controllers have adequate capacity so I'm sure how or why they are Hi, I have a single 5508 WLC and wish to move it to another subnet. Primary Controller (Configured The best thing you can do is put the AP on the same vlan as the WLC management, the AP needs to get a dhcp address or you need to configure a static address, but if the AP is on the same vlan, it should find the WLC and join using layer 2 broadcast. I´m looking for the CLI command to asign the primary controller name and IP from the master controller. AP02 Country code. So as AP's join the master controller, I can move them to their To configure the primary, secondary and tertiary controllers for the AP, use the capwap ap command. Any idea why it connected to wlc1 not wlc2. 11a | 802. 16. Example: Device(config-priming)# secondary bbbb 209. Choose Configuration > Tags & Profiles > AP Join. PDF - Complete Book (19. But could not find ways or instructions Device(config-priming)# primary aaaa 209. With the controller set: backup image is 8. The following example shows how to configure the primary controller for the AP: cisco-ap # capwap ap primary-base wlc-5520 209. Note Using the AP priming profile under the AP filter profile, you can configure primary, secondary, and tertiary controllers for a group of APs matching regular expressions, or for an When using a WLC, APs can’t be configured independently. The Cisco Aironet 3800 Series Wi-Fi access points provide 802. During the Primary Election process, even though the Primary AP running the controller function is down, the remaining Access Points will fall into (Cisco Controller) >config wlan mdns enable <wlan ID> Step 3: Create Got a slight issue, I'm rolling out new APs 2600, after I've installed so many I use Prime to add the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary WLC which have done loads of times. 7 and secondary base x. Give the group a meaningful name (e. ; Note: A warning message is displayed informing you that if you enable or disable Data Encryption, all the APs will reboot except the Master AP. Syntax Description Hi, Yes you can bulk change from Prime. 7 , but via cli if we configure the right commands (primary and secondary) they aren't changed as they should. 3 : Configures name and IP address of the secondary controller for AP fallback. Primary AP Failover and Electing a New Primary . 121. So as AP's join the master controller, I can move them to their new Controller. I guess I could set the controller-ip-to-be in DHCP, and Configuration Example: Configuring AP-Manager on a Cisco 5500 Series Controller; AP-Manager Interface. Hi, From the WLC 9800 GUI everything worked as expected, but our problem is with the cli. Hi board, one question regarding the configuration of deterministic AP join on a WLC. 14 MB) PDF - This Chapter (1. secondary controller-name ip-address. If you make this change it will overwrite the existing Primary Controller Solved: I´m looking for the CLI command to asign the primary controller name and IP from the master controller. License details : This is a Controller with HA-SKU license. Configuring the 802. tertiary controller-name Here are a two suggestions: 1. 2. I understand you can have capwap one working with it, without converting it yo ME. primary controller. See the Cisco Wireless Controller Configuration Guide for the release you are using, for additional information. Once the AP has received a Discovery Response from any WLC using any of the WLC discovery methods, it selects one controller to join with this criteria:. 6. Incidently its stuck on a green light even after a reboot . 11bg:-A 802. Configure Fast Heartbeat Timeout to assist AP in sending primary discovery request periodically to the configured backup controllers along with the primary, secondary, and tertiary-base controllers. show ap name ap-name config general. If the organisation policy does not allow and the AP intends to join the controller, use fast offline migration technique. 11. When . Create an AP Group for the APs you want to move. 0, to set this AP as a primary. Valid values are: Low: Assigns the access point to the level 1 priority, which is the lowest priority level. In Device# show ap name cisco-ap config slot 1 Configure > AP Template > Lightweight AP > Add Template > Make a name > Save. 11ac Wave 2 with Multi User MIMO (MU MIMO). This AP series offers integrated and external antenna options, with a dedicated 5 GHz Step 1. I try to type that ip address in my browser to About the Access Point. Software version : 8. 16 and secondary base x. We use DHCP with option 43 to direct Ap's to their controller. The AP has obtained an IP address and I'd like to know how to discover it on the controller and add it. I connected it with DHCP, it joined. If you use Cisco Prime Infrastructure (or WCS) to manage your WLC, you can create a Lightweight AP Configuration Template to specify the Primary Controller Name and IP Address, and to specify a blank value (choose the first blank option in the drop down list) and 0. 0 Cisco AP Name. DHCP with option 43 has been configured for the subnet where the AP will be installed. Cons: Make sure the config saves or your AP is stranded! In this case options 1 & 2 aren’t readily available so manual IP set it is. To view the NSI key from the controller CLI, enter the show ap config {802. My task is to move about 100Ap from WLC1 to WLC2. capwap ap Device(config-priming)# primary aaaa 209. Save as new template. Example: Device# show ap name AP44d3. Under AP Parameters Tab, right-hand column, tick the "Controllers" and choose the secondary controller in the drop down menu. What we wanted to do is : primary-base x. We are currently having some issues with being able to actually change the primary controller on some APs, however. 52 MB) View with Adobe Reader on a variety of devices The Native Power tables were designed specifically to configure powers as low as -1dBm for Cisco Aironet radios that support these levels. 2 : Configures name and IP address of the primary controller for AP fallback. Recently a Secondary WLC has been upgraded to latest code whereas Primary is still with old code itself. 201. After a reboot to apply the AP group and RF profile settings, the AP will be in service. You can add this config becore the AP is ever onboarded to the controller. 48b5 config general : Displays the configuration of a particular access point. 0Controller. to the Controller and everything was easy, i can setup them in the web-interface of the. Select the Enable Link Latency check box to enable link latency for this access point or unselect it to prevent the The following example shows how to configure the primary controller for the AP: cisco-wave2-ap # capwap ap primary-base wlc-5520 209. Enter the REAL secondary controller details last. Added 10 new AP's to the 550 I already have and they are not registering to the either primary or secondary controller specified in dhcp otion 43. Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App Solved: I have a very simple setup: WLC1 (172. Now we want to create AP group to broadcast 2 SSID at one of the production building as per After the change i save the configuration and reset AP, but it sill reconnected to controller 1. Cisco Virtual Engineer generative AI bot now active in Wireless Discussion # config ap primary-base # show capwap ip config Primary Controller 172. Hello, I'm not familiar with the process of how to add an access point to a controller. 1. In our example, WLC1 itself is the primary WLC of the AP1 Solved: Dear all, as for the 2X00/3X00 model we would like to use Priming procedure on the new out-of-the-box Cat9115AX to prime the AP with: - static IP parameters (Address, Mask and Gateway) ; - AP name; - static primary controller IP (which is a on the AP, the command is show capwap client config. The 1. 3. The only thing will be not having it being able to be a master or primary. 7) AP413#show configuration Admin State : Enabled AP Mode : Local AP Submode : Not Configured Location : default location Primary controller name : Primary-controller-1 Primary controller IP : 10. 141. and. If your AP is in autonomous mode, then you can download the configuration. I used the "show ap summary" to get the list of access point associated to the first WLC and then I used the commands config ap primary-base <switch> <ap> <switch_ip> to config them with a new primary controller. 2. Navigate to "Wireless" > "Access Points" and click on the "Global Configuration" tab. Configuration Example: Configuring AP-Manager on a Cisco 5500 Series Controller; AP-Manager Interface. Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controller Software Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17. that should show you the primary/secondary/tertiary WLC the AP is assinged to. A controller configured with IPv4 has one or more AP-manager interfaces, which are used for all Layer 3 communications between the controller and lightweight access points after the access points have joined the controller. Link Aggregation (LAG) is not supported on the Cisco 2500 Series Wireless Controller. Does anyone know what the equivalent CLI command is in the 9800 WLC for "config ap primary-base WLC03 Cisco_AP_1 192. A controller configured with IPv4 has one or more AP-manager interfaces, which are used for all Layer 3 The AP shows that its primary controller is our primary controller (. Syntax Description If mobility is already configured you can access each AP detail page and define primary controller as your second controller system name and just apply the settings. 165. To configure authentication token, use the capwap ap auth-token command. Examples > config boot primary > config boot backup. Step 2. From 'AP parameters', tab check and fill the following: a. In the General tab, enter a name and description for the AP join profile. Any AP base count license on HA-SKU controller is disregarded. ca52. 5) but it is currently on the secondary controller (. So, I have set 8. Today the WLC is configured with the management and the Dynamic AP Management on the same interface/ip address. Step 2: From the Local Mode AP Fast Heartbeat Timer State drop-down list, choose Enable to enable the fast heartbeat timer for access points in local mode or choose Disable to disable this timer. License Store: Primary License Storage StoreIndex: 0 Feature Name: base From which controller AP will join it is depends on our configuration on each WLC: The AP can be configured to recognize its primary and secondary controller name. . Click the name of the access point for which you want to configure link latency. 251) = Backup When the Primary goes offline, my AP moves to the BACKUP wlc as expected However, when the Primary comes Book Title. tertiary controller-name Examples This example shows how to display the detailed configuration for an access point: > show ap config 802. Some AP's could join the primary controller but others couldn't. After the ap joins for the first time, it will know of that WLC along with the other WLC in the same mobility group. The name can be ASCII characters from 32 to 126, without leading and trailing spaces. Once the AP joins, you can move that AP to another vlan since the AP already knows of the WLC. Yes, Name & IP address You can configure primary and secondary backup controllers for all access points (which are used if primary, secondary, or tertiary controllers are not responsive) in this order: primary, secondary, tertiary, primary backup, and secondary backup. capwap ap {primary-base | secondary-base | tertiary-base} controller To configure the primary controller name and IP address into the CAPWAP access point from the access point’s console port, use the capwap ap primary-base command. 0 as (default) (active). 3702#capwap ap controller ip address <WLC_Mgt_IPAddress> You need to set the primary, secondary and or tertiary WLC. If the backup controller is Configure the switch to which your access point is to attach. 120 Wireless accesspoints (AP) all associated to Primary WLC. 11a/n/ac Parameters** N/A Step 1. AP failover Priority {Checked}{'High' [I recommend High, but you can choose any other]} b. controller was not very difficult. capwap ap auth-token ssc-token. x. AP Priority. Reply. Hi all, I have a problem with a AP template on Prime 2. 0 (default) (active). A background task is triggered which pings each access point and stores the result in the Prime For e. You can then verify the access point configuration and assign a primary, secondary, and tertiary Cisco WLC to the access point, and reboot the access point so it reassociates with its primary, secondary, or tertiary Cisco WLC. AP is a mobility express controller firmware 8. 142. Example: Device# show ap config general: Displays common information for all access points. The 2. CLI Commands: WLC#ap name 00f2. No one is really sure why. 250-----Also, after rebooting AP, AP tried to join in old WLC(172. Assign the secondary controller as the primary controller for this AP Group. As long as 3702 has an IP reachable to your WLC, you can type one of the below commands & it will find WLC & register. We connect to the AP and change the primary controller, and then apply the change. HTH, Steve-----Please remember to rate helpful posts or to mark the question as answered Assign the AP to the AP group: config ap group-name <AP Group name> <AP name> and then Y. 02 MB) PDF - This Chapter (1. Confirm if there is any existing WLC config through the following command: To verify the configuration, use the following command from wireless controller: #show ap name <name> config general AP Primary Ethernet port : 1 RAP ethernet daisychain : Enabled Super Root : Disabled Or 3. NOTE: Just make sure you configure the primary/secondary/tertiary controllers correctly. 802. 0. AP will automatically mode to its primary configured controller. 120. I can ping the 10. More info about In order to change a Cisco WLC boot option, issue the config boot command. Enter a fictitious detail. There's a loss of wireless services during the switch over from the secondary/tertiary controller back to the primary controller. I would like to do this thru the CLI of the master controller when I rename the AP's with a script that I write after inventorying them. On the AP Join Profile page, click Add. 11a:-A AP Regulatory Domain. Step 3. By default, the primary image on the controller will be chosen as the active image. WLC config has been saved. Choose Administration > Settings > System Settings > Network and Device > Unified AP Ping Reachability. 7. Configure primary and secondary controllers under AP Parameters and then deploy to all access points. Only Cisco 5500 Series Controllers and Cisco 4400 Series Controllers support the use of multiple AP-manager interfaces. 0) setup as N+1. The objective is to On the controller GUI, the NSI key appears in the Network Spectrum Interface Key field (below the Port Number field) on the All APs > Details for page. Step 5. AP is a capwap AP with firmware 8. US - United States Regulatory Domain allowed by Country. 4. Rasika *** Pls rate all useful responses *** We have a setup with 2 Cisco 5508 WLC, both of them have Mobility group configuered with AP fallback enabled. 8b26. Cisco Mobility Express is supported on Cisco 1830, 1850, 2800 and 3800 series Access Points and the Primary AP election process determines which Cisco of the supported Access Point will be elected to run Mobility Express controller function in case of a Failover. With the controller name configured on APs, the From the command line you can tell the AP what Controller to join through the following command (s). 1X Supplicant Traditionally, the dot1x authenticator/client Also you can specify controller ip address: capwap ap controller ip address <ip> If ap is already joined to controller then login to WLC via web browser, click wireless tab, select AP, and in part of "IP Config" you can check ステップ 1 [Wireless] > [Access Points] > [Global Configuration] の順に選択して [Global Configuration] ページを開きます。 ステップ 2 [Local Mode AP Fast Heartbeat Timer State] ドロップダウン リストから [Enable] を選択してローカル モードのアクセス ポイントの高速ハートビート タイマーを有効にするか、または [Disable Step 1. 2 (Cisco Controller) >config ap secondary-base test-wlc2 AP1 192. If I configure the Primary and Secondary controller in Device(config-priming)# primary aaaa 209. 0 & Backup SW Version = 8. The 3. Note: For some reason new APs require the lwapp command as they will ignore the CAPWAP command. In WLC2 - Standby Controller Configuration. The last stanza sets the config based on the Ethernet wired mac address of the AP. 0 MB) View with Adobe Reader on a variety of devices Your profile config gets stored in the controller and will be applied to the AP when it joins the controller, even if that AP has been factory defaulted. Change the primary wlc ip and name to 2nd wlc ip address/name , then check again. Device(config-priming)# primary aaaa 209. 5 All my other APs are working ok to the same controller namely 10. config ap primary-base controller_name Cisco_AP [controller_ip_address] Note The controller_ip_address parameter in this command and the next two commands is optional. AP failover priority determines priority on the access points that connecting to the Primary controller. , "Building 1 APs"). I have a WLC pair (7. What I'm getting now is for status Partial Success "Provision Failure Unable to set Primary controller name and IP address" **802. Configure the secondary controller details FIRST. 0) I created a Lightweight AP Configuration Template, setting the Primary and Secondary Controller name (from Dropdown) and pasted the IP Addresses of these controllers to the appropriated fields. Thanks in advance Hi all, I am trying to add an Aironet 1830 AP to a Controller/Group of AP that are already under ME. Create a template Configuration > Templates > Lightweight Access Points. What is the easitest way to do this? Thanks Ray Wireless LAN Controller Election. The locally switched wlan mapped to vlan is Device(config-priming)# primary aaaa 209. 0 the configuration of the primary/secondary/tertiary controllers using GUI does not show ap config general . From the AP Failover Priority drop-down list, choose the failover priority for the AP. 11b} Cisco_AP command. In the Heartbeat Timeout field, enter the time (in seconds) to configure the heartbeat timer for all access points. The only time I have seen something similar to this TAC couldn't find a cause but rebooting the primary controller resolved the issue. There are other ways to set this Create an AP Group: Log in to the primary controller's web interface. 5. AP Name : AP-01 Admin State : Enabled AP Mode : FlexConnect AP Submode : None Reboot Reason : Controller Reload command Primary controller name : 1. APs set: Primary SW Version = 8. So, you may set the primary/secondary/tertiary WLC per AP: # IOS-XE config stlye ap name <AP-NAME> controller primary <WLC-HOSTNAME> [<WLC-IPv4-ADDRESS>] Another possibility is to set a global backup WLC # IO AP join happens using control plane, as long as AP HA has Primary, Sec controller's name and IP info and have L3 reachability to those HA WLCs(from AP's IP at the remote site) failover happens without an issue. Hope this Hello, I just started a new job and there is a box of Aironet 1242AG access points they'd like me to configure. Under Wireless TAB-->ALL AP-->Click on AP name-->Assign primary controller . Hello - We have two 5508 WLC. AP Connectivity to Cisco WLC. Cisco Wireless Controller Configuration Guide, Release 8. Choose Wireless > Access Points > All APs to open the All APs page. 224 capwap ap auth-token. Some features of their Once the APs join the controller, the primary, secondary and tertiary controllers of the AP can be manually configured to join upon the next bootup, through the Command Line Interface (CLI) on the controller, as If you want to have more control over how the APs move between controllers on your network, you can configure the APs with Primary, Secondary & Tertiary controller names. 250) = Primary BACKUP (172. The Add AP Join Profile page is displayed. Select the Allow Prime to learn about AP Reachability radio button to allow Cisco Prime Infrastructure to learn if the AP is reachable or not. HTH. AP Fallback option was enabled, so I had nothing else to do than see all APs moving to the second WLC. If you require the AP to know of its primary, secondary and or tertiary, you need to define that in the access point. How to assign primary/secondary/teritiary controller in ap ? Is it done manually on AP or different process. Now on the Prime (2. Syntax Description Yes. Syntax Description Solved: How to assign primary/secondary/teritiary controller in ap ? Is it done manually on AP or different process. tertiary controller-name Hi . nayarasi said: September 14, 2015 at 4:51 pm. 130. Choose the Advanced tab to open the All APs > Details for (Advanced) page. Step 4. Enter the REAL primary controller details next. 20. 3 (Cisco Controller) >config ap primary-base test-wlc1 AP1 10. The Master AP requires the controller to save and reload for the Book Title. 168. mnqfac jfd bnpmrn bmhvzp hkuqcl weavhu tqsqao qbya davt dfetak rlkruk wfnbxj rnoq zxjnwno ctwy