Servicenow choice list Create a Script Include: Define a Script Include that contains a function to return options for the choice list based on the selected reference field value. Condition: current. The new choices had to be visible to the user but the older choices had to be hidden from the user but still be available for automations. How can I restrict some of the values inside. Hope this helps! Re: Updated Choice List Not showing values on Form. It's something similar to [task] table, but different. Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. Support Manage your instances, I am creating a record producer and would like to create a new choice list to add to one of the fields, however, I have an Excel file will all the information, How can I take that Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. I can refer this choice list in future in another form, by just going to configure dictionary and then choosing the configure table. The blank option can Since Country (core_country) is another table you would want to add it to the Location as a Reference and not a Choice. From the sys_user table, I want to add multiple choices to the Company Code field. i have written a onLoad client script and on based of condition i am removing the choices from choice list field using removeOption() method. I am using the previous choices in the reference field of the list. Create a choice list to choose yes or no. Support Manage your instances, I am trying to import data into one of my choice list using transform ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. Company - Reference to core_company. getElementById' to disable the option in the onload client script and is working fine. Below is my script. Partner Grow your business with promotions, news, and marketing tools. Hello! I have a variable that pulls the choices (sys_choice) from the title column of the user (sys_user) table. The table i am attempting to select is a custom table and it does not show Hello, We need to disable/unselectable some choices in the state field. Hello @Lekeisha . How do I get these values with server script/client script from Catalog Items's variable choice Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. I have created choices for store field. Then I did an Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. So from this table's column "Department", all of the Finance, Marketing, Engineering, Sales, Procurement, Programming & Human Resource will become the choice Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. In this process I deleted the choice none is there is no option to keep it inactive. my requirement is if "model_category" = "computer" then I need to remove a option from the "substatus" field in the alm_hardware table. model_category is a read-only reference field. g_form. Integer) you can change the input type in your action to "Choice" and Note that you also need to add the Interactive Filter Refrences via the related list to Incident and other tables. Give proper sequence in the choice list as per alphabetical sorting and it should work. The development update set lists the Customer Updates on the choice list and when looking at the XML, the new values are there. In your image, you have two tables, Task and PCR. Do you know how to copy a choice list (values) from Catalog Task table to a new table where I have another choice list field? For the choice list inside this newly created choice field, I want it to be able to reference to a table's column field. Learning Build skills with instructor-led and online training. Support Manage your instances, access self-help, The values in the choice list are not duplicates when you look at the full record, but one value in the record can be duplicated when not in combination with the On an extensive choice list with choices containing the same label but with different dependencies and values, List v2 displays the value next to the choice. 2) Select the type as choice list. I am writing a onChange client script. A choice list field on the form will be sorted alphabetically by default, while by right clicking on it and selecting Configure Choices, we can rearrange them in the order we want. Note that you can override the system property Hi Community , I have urgent requirement on : 1. Each team has different 'Support' and 'Admin' type activities, so I wanted to populate the sub-type list with selections only applicable to each team. Is there a way to create a Multi Select Choice list Variable that I can control the Choice list without using a table and the users can select multiple items from the Choice list? Solved! Go to Solution. Learning Build your skills with instructor-led Create one field with data type as choice in the custom table then that table will be available to add in choice list specification. By default if you open any task record, you would be see all choices associated with table=task including 3,4 etc. But for Option A , I can select all 3 choice. The values populated in one field can determine the values in another. See demos and learn more about the Xanadu release, ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. On clicking that, it generates the list of choices records available and displays in the choice table. The medium which customers use to move choice changes within a choice Populate the choice list with the formats you suggest; Use a UI policy to show/hide the choice list. Any help would be greatly appreciated. prototype = Hi, Naveen! I'm not sure if you've been trying this, but there is special documentation on Displaying the Reference Field as a Choice List. The values for each choice must be unique. Thanks! The Devvies 2025 are here! Celebrate your hard work and innovation by submitting your apps today. please guide . Task makes a nice template, but once I start modifying the choices on incident, I don't want further changes on task to interfere with my incident choices. I am in need of providing the list of choices for a choice list field, in Excel for subsequent import to a different system. Select the Include none choice check box to include -- None --as an option in the choice list. I want to review which choices are currently. Is there a way to disable choice list options based off a query. Simple way of Dependent Dropdown values in ServiceNow - YouTube. So from this table's column "Department", all of the Finance, Marketing, Engineering, Sales, Procurement, Programming & Human Resource will become the choice The list of choices in the 'demand' table record is not listing in the choice list field correctly. Any leads would be appreciated. Hi All I have a small query. The requirement is to hide certain choice value dynamically based on some condition, like checkbox. I was able to achieve this functionality by. For this solution, I will create a Lookup Select Box that points to the Operating When you write a script that references a choice list, you need to know the value that is This article covers working with choices in ServiceNOW. I need help in hiding choice field values in List view. I have tried with dependent value but it works ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. A choice list is a type of field that allows users to select from a pre-defined set of options. function onChange(referenceField) { var choiceList = g_form. Screenshot for reference included below. On the choice list table, there is an order field. Solved: Hi, I'm trying to sort a choice list which is reference type. Support Manage your instances, I used this to have a list of values where I didn't want the selected value from the first list (choice values) to show up in the second list (choice values): ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. I've looked at the choice list records for Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. Also all this choices are applicable to many tables. Anyways, when a choice list item exceeded the defaulted 40-character limit, it would change my display value from 'Label' to 'Value'. Methods to get the user roles: GlideUser (g user) - ServiceNow Wiki. If that is your goal, you want to be sure and have the AJAXReferenceChoice auto-completer set in the Attributes of the field's Dictionary entry (Advanced view). So we need to select sys_choice table and filter all choices based on defined tables. This is important to know as it is pivotal in understanding how choices For all intents and purposes, the fields are considered independent - think about task and incident. even I try same thing with default update set . Hi, I know how to remove options from a choice list. Since Analysis has a lower order, it is the one displayed. when I chooce Account , The Assignment group choice list to be filtered based on a custom list field* that I created on Accounts table. If the value from u_source_field_list. But when our instance got upgraded to Jakarta it is not working all the choice list options w Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. You will need to make the field an reference and point it to the custom table. Whilst. Choice: Dropdown (fixed values) When we created a choice list field with 3 choice values through form design, it did not capture the choice list values. Hi, I have a requirement where "region" field is a "choice" and has 4 values, and another field as "store" which has to be multi select, hence I had it as "list". I have a drop-down field in a class ,I want to hide 3 drop-down values from the field in List view. I tried creating a choice through field dictionary but in the 'choices' tab I'm not able to see old choices. Continuing the example used above, if you have a variable that asks users the hard drive size they want when they order a new laptop, you need to ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. Solved: So I have a choice field that we were recently asked to change to a list. table Hello Team, I have the variable severity which is choice list field. Partner Grow your business with promotions, news, and marketing tools for partners. I have a choice list variable on my incident form. you can't approve/reject your own changes). Hope this ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. I also tried g_form. Hi All, I want to create a new choice in 'Sub Category' field. Choice lists will only get values from sys_choice. I want the choice list to display choices that are specific to the company that is listed in sys_user. But it is. Hi all, ServiceNow offers a handy little feature on forms that use choice lists. I click one of them then 6 more options pop up. Check the below script and change the field name and values of your choice list according to your values. getUser(). Where do I need to put the script (Its a client callable script include) function bsFilter(bsCategory,bsCatalogue){ var lookup, list = [], returnString; lookup = Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. If the checkbox field is true hide 3 choices out of 4 in the form. *List field: I create a custom list on table account that is reference to Hi, I have field choice list on the form and some choices are removed from this field by the script. Thanks. In the example below I choose String as the type for the column. MrMuhammad. If you want them ultimately the data should reside in sys_choice if that indeed is the table the choice field is referring too. How can I do that. ; Impact Drive a faster ROI and amplify your expertise with ServiceNow Impact. I don't want a choice list type configuration in my update set. ; Partner Grow your business with promotions, news, and marketing tools for partners. Support Manage your instances, One thing to note though is if you have a choice list that isn't being accepted as a different type (e. That worked fine. But one of the options disappeared suddenly. but what if my 'choice list' is actually a reference field and based on a previous user answer I wan to be able to remove certain choices from the reference. Please assist. I changed the client script to onLoad, and if I edit the MRVS from the Catalog Task it also copies the values to my choice list field. Even though I've removed the ones I don't want to appear, they still appear as choice list options in the resolution code field. Documentation Find detailed information about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. System Name - String to hold system name Available choices should be filtered depends on selected value from another field. The ServiceNow docs site contains more information about question types and subtypes in the Create a question for a catalog item in catalog builder documentation. I have tried this before and was told custom tables could not be used as a choice list. So, I entered the numbers in the order column I wanted to sort it. The variable g_list is used to access a specified list object. In this case I want the "approve" and "reject" options to disappear from approvals if the current user is the one that is assigned the change that the approval belangs to (e. Now the requirement is that when I select the B choice then I should not get the option to select C option and vice versa. That is, based on what value is selected in category, choices should come in dropdown for sub category field. Generally when you make a Choice field and use the Advanced options of specifying a Choice table you would also specify a field on that table that is a Choice field so you can re-use the choices from that field. max_ref_dropdown' system property determines whether a reference field is displayed as a choice list or a reference icon. Impact Drive a faster ROI and amplify your expertise with ServiceNow Impact. Thanks, RaoM Solved: Hello, I am failrly new to servicenow CMDB and have a question regarding the choices available when manually entering CI's. The GlideList2 API provides methods to customize (v2) lists. removeOption(‘state’,2); How to Restrict Access to sc_req_item Records Based on Assignment Group in ServiceNow? in Virtual Agent forum 3 weeks ago; List collector approval issue in ITSM forum a month ago; restrict the task state based on assigned to field in ITSM forum a month ago; Interactive Filter based on Variable editor choice list. If you remove the numbers for your specific list, it will sort the list alphabetically. Customizing Choice Lists - ServiceNow Wiki So in column x of table B you need to show choice list of table A. Choice list can be increased and now it more than 40 choices. Support Manage your instances, access self-help, and get technical support. Solved! Go to Solution. onChange client script: is no ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. I'm trying to write a ui action that adds an option to the list choice, when it clicked - it should change a field value. Works fine with a client ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. Select advanced view. In case of choice list as well it can be configured as a Dependant value at the dictionary level. It is available to the lists form link UI action. This choice list is in UI Page and also in form. I have seen this Removing or Disabling Choice List Options - ServiceNow Guru. The disappeared options do not appear even in "show choice list" The issue is happening only in production. can we define choice list definition for integer type fields ? I have 2 fields 'category' and 'sub category' of type integer. Learning Build your skills with instructor-led and Solved: Is there a way to create a Multi Select Choice list Variable that I can control the Choice list without using a table and the users can. I can give you an easy way to get the Value and display value of a choice list, If you specifically need the sys_id only then you will I was wondering if there was a way to create a field then have choices, but when you click one choice more choices will pop up like a subcategory of the original category. Choices are handled in a special manner and are treated as a special handler. removeOption but it did not work on list type of field. This is setup quite easily using field dependencies. Hello, I have a script seen below to return values from a table. I have found that a choice list allows you to add choices for a field where these choices are available to all entries in the table. They wanted to do a mass update to all the position titles, so I deleted all values from sys_choice for the sys_user table, where the element is "title. Below is a simple example to illustrate. The value given for this property is maximum number of records allowed for Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. create(); DynamicChoiceList. You probably want to restrict the choices to the user how are actually group manager. Store Download certified apps and integrations that complement ServiceNow. The Sequence field on The symptoms list is about 30 items long, with several symptoms needing to appear based on each category. The are different colors based upon where that choice value was created. 1) configure the dictionary for the column x on table B. The annotation in Hello @Lekeisha . Thanks, Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. Ex: Label - Value Email - 1 DB - The Devvies 2025 are here! Celebrate your hard work and innovation by submitting your apps today. I need Convert one free text field (e. Hi All, I have a couple of choice lists that seem to be showing a blank value at the bottom of the list. In 'task_time_worked' table, I have two reference field to populate the users name and team from the sys_user table and then a type (u_type) and sub-type (u_sub_type) choice list. But my problem here is even though it is deleted it is appe ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. but if you want to do on catalog form then simply write onChange() catalog client script. 0 Helpfuls Reply. Instead of re-creating all of the choices in the variable and having to maintain them in two places, you can use a variable type of Lookup Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. A pro tip. 3) select Drop down with None. An example of a User Input "Static Choice" and it's list Hi, I'm removing some choice list items from the resolution code field on the incident form. I would like to be able to reduce the number of options based on the group membership of the logged in user. The value of the sys_choice of the entry is "Testing 1234" and ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. Question 1: @Bhavani Shankar @SN_Learn Could you please check if "Create Choice List" button is available on the system dictionary of "System ID" field. Using a standard dependent value requires multiple instances of each symptom in the choice list, which is tedious and gets out ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. Can someone please provide me with steps on how I can import an excel into a choice list. The value given for this property is maximum number of records allowed for Hi All, I have a requirement to remove a choice list option on form if related list has no record. Choices are handled in a special When creating a new column in a table I've noticed that some types appear to Overview Many times you may have a variable that also has as choices from a table. Ex: If I have 10 values populating this choice list, and a user who is a member of group X selects the dropdown, they will only see the first 5. Giga Sage Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. I want to use this script to create a choice list. I want to remove the option none (custom value) as there is already OOB --None--. Learning Build your skills with Brand new to ServiceNow - long time ServiceCenter developer. Instead of re-creating all of the choices in the variable and having to maintain them in two places, you can use a variable type of Lookup Select Box. Scrolling down the form I see a tab for Choice List Specification. If you definitely want to go with the choice field, you could do an import to the sys_choice table and set the static values yourself in the import script such as target. Is there an OOTB way to remove a choice list option in list view (not form) in Developer forum 2 weeks ago; Script Required to Show Values of a Choice Field depending on the Value in a Custom Table in Developer forum 2 weeks ago; Building a Dynamic Multi-Select Dropdown Input Feature in ServiceNow Widget We have a dashboard which contains reports from multiple table for example "Incident" and "Incident_SLA" and want interactive filters to act on the reports in dashboard, but found that Interactive filters with "Choice List" value can not have multiple tables in a single interactive filter . And there is no client script responsible for choice creation in Sub Category field. User Input "Static Choice" would be used to list predefined choices available to the user. ; Store Download certified apps and integrations that complement ServiceNow. See demos and learn more about the Xanadu release, our biggest AI release yet. ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. Mark the answer as correct or helpful based on the impact. Is there an OOTB way to remove a choice list option in list view (not form) in Developer forum 2 weeks ago; Script Required to Show Values of a Choice Field depending on the Value in a Custom Table in Developer forum 2 weeks ago; Need to restrict the export option based on the device used to access Servicenow in Developer forum 3 weeks ago ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. Customizing Choice Lists - ServiceNow Wiki Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. in Performance Analytics forum ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. In the dictionary record for this choice field, i am trying to select a choice table. To achieve this, you should set the specification of the choice list to "Dropdown with none. " Here's an example of how you can modify the choice list specification using ServiceNow's GlideSystem API: ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. Learning Build your skills with instructor-led and Hi below is the feasible solution and included script snippets. I have a u_system_list custom table that lists. getValue(referenceField); // Call the Script Include function to get options based on Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. The same issue applies to the choices Backlog and Work in Progress. Learning Build your skills with instructor-led and online in choice list table and once we edit it gets changed automatically as well. Solved: Hello , I have a requirement where I need to r emove choice list option based on related list on form, can you please provide the code for. I'm attempting to update some values in a choice list. g. ui. I have created a List collector Variable in Service Catalogue and created their 3 choices ( A , B , C) and get it referenced through question_choice table. Go to solution. 1)creating the new choices in the sys_choice_list table ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. Setting values of a sn-choice-list is different from sn-record-picker where we pass to the field an array of a single object together with its. ServiceNow Community the Operating System choice list for this class is whittled down to Operating Systems that only go as high as Windows 2008 R2. Black choices were created on the Task table. u_message is a field on my incident table which has a list of choices. Updating Choices in Scoped Applications Overview This article addresses updates to choice list specifically in a scoped application. Kindly s If your choice list is going to have over 100 choices in it, you might want to think about just creating a new table and having your field be a Reference to that table. 0 Helpfuls You mentioned that you set the choice list specification to "None," but the desired behavior is to display the "Label" setting. " This worked fine. Remove(disable) item "closed" of choice list "state" from the list table by specific role user. When creating a new column in a table I've noticed that some types appear to allow the use of a choice list. A choice list field doesn't display choice labels and instead shows a single value though configuring choices on the field shows the choices. If you delete all choices from sys_choice for Table=incident, then you would only see the choices from the task table on incident form. Thanks, S. Checking the Configure Choices lists (Right click) showing different set of choices to what is actually ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. These methods are used in UI context menus and UI actions. When we moved it to other instance, only field moved but not choice list values. I have managed to do this on the form with the onload client script but this is not reflected in the list view. By far, the most common scenario where I’ve seen this is when a customer wants to restrict access to some ‘Closed’ type of option in a choice list depending on the role of the user. g abc) to a drop down with some options. But say I want to have different choice options available for each record in ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. In helsinki version we were using 'document. FYI - I do not want to create another ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. The Devvies 2025 are here! Celebrate your hard work and innovation by submitting your apps today. Regards, Deepankar Mathur Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. If you filled in all the fields needed then you will see the options in the choice list after you finish loading the data. + When selected a choice, it's displayed fine in the choice list - In the list the value is suddenly showed and not the label - When the list is locked, only values are visible, no the labels ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. . Hi Community, I've a choice list with 4 values inside. "The glide. So the process is really 2 steps, which allow you to check the data before putting it on the target table. removeOption(‘state’,2); Get the logged in user roles, if any of the role in your list to hide some choice values use removeOption (fieldName, choiceValue) method. When running a report or search filter against This article covers working with choices in ServiceNOW. Refer link for a check. Several of these methods are available in Next Experience UI Framework. 2. It would work similar to adding a filte ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. The Multiple Choice and Select Box variables give the user a list of choices. I created an update set and began making the list updates in the update set. ServiceNow offers over 20 different types of service catalog item variables. Values in 'Sub category' should be dependent on the value selected in 'category'. g the drop down should be visible only for model category is computer & for rest of t ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. User Input "Reference Choice" is a nice one to get values from a table, through script, etcetera. Let's say the "u_place_holder" table with the "department" field . I have a choice list with 5 choices and I want to display just 2 for the requester. I can select a Choice table from the list, but I can't get a list of fields to display. In few cases this field will disappear for all Choice Fields. We probably need our own support group Anyway, I'm playing around in the public sandbox, and I can't seem to follow the instructions for reusing a choice list by referencing another table/field. It copied the values to the drop-down list. Question 1: Solved: Hello! I have a choice list with 5 choices and I want to display just 2 for the requester. What you are doing when you set the Choice Table and the Choice Field is tell the Defining question choices for a variable. function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading, isTemplate) Solved: I am in need of providing the list of choices for a choice list field, in Excel for subsequent import to a different system. Learning Build your skills with instructor-led and online training. But if you need to override these values, then you can add new choices with Table=incident. ( e. How can make the store field dependent on region. When we create a choice field in sys_dictionary, We can see a tab named "Choice List specification" and shows "Choice Table" option. Go to solution So recently I had a requirement to add new choices to the 'Resolution Code' field on the incident form. I am trying to set up a choice list that is dependent on the values of other fields and am hitting a road block. From the screenshot, it is evident that Analysis and Refinement & Design share the same value (-6). It looks there is some process to capture choice values in an update set. You can do this in below steps. I added it again through "configure choicelist", then this value appeared, but after few days, another option disappeared. 4) Under choice list specification-> select the choice table A-> select the choice field from table A One common configuration task in ServiceNow is to disable (make read-only) or remove certain select options from a choice list of a particular choice field. getControl('choice_list_field_name'); var selectedValue = g_form. For all intents and purposes, the fields are considered independent - think about task and incident. There were 5 options in the dropdown list for the field "waiting for". The annoying thing though How to reorder the "Static Choice" list setting?! Choice List Setting. The values that will be populated in the 'Model' fiel Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. The 'export' The Devvies 2025 are here! Celebrate your hard work and innovation by submitting your apps today. var DynamicChoiceList = Class. I would like to know how to limit the options in the choice list visible in a list view. Team, We are facing an issue where in on the Native UI form Layout the choice list field shows the choice list but the same field on agent workspace. So it pops up with 4 options in a field. I need to be able to select 2016 abd 2012 versions of ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. Methods to add/remove choice values: GlideForm (g form) - ServiceNow Wiki. 1 of these choice lists is inheriting its choices from another field and the other is being populated by an onLoad client script. IsMemberOf("PMNT Final I have a choice list which is populated by a reference field, which has quite a lot of options. u_format is "Date/Time", show the list and make it mandatory (optional), otherwise hide it. These dropdown/choices should be visible only for particular model category. For the choice list inside this newly created choice field, I want it to be able to reference to a table's column field. u_payment_state == operation && gs. This field is a choice list where choices label and value are different. The g_list variable is not available to the related lists form link UI action. If you then amend the order in anyway via the UI, it will reset the ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. In List v3 you can filter on this the following way, via related list condition. Initially no choices are displayed. Make sure you have a filed in your custom ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. No scripting involved! Creating a UI Policy - ServiceNow Wiki ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. But it captured the dictionary entry. Thanks, ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. removeOption(‘state’, 0); g_form. and same thing i noticed for default update set. Impact Accelerate ROI and amplify your expertise. I find some article relative the choice list, but it use for the form table. This is why some choice list items worked (under the 40-char limit) and the ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. Close out the update set when finished and move over to our QA environment. Blue choices were created on the PCR table. I do not want to use any DOM manipulation.